11| Unfair

20 3 2

Day: Thursday

Time: 10:54

Location: Home


"He'll move in here if he passes that test." He pauses to observe me. "After all, there's enough space in this house for him, right Mrs Jeon?"

There was a sparkle of mischief in his eyes as he strolled towards me, hands buried in his pockets. My mouth hangs open as I dread the idea of a living with a guy.

Firstly, I'll have to be more cautious of my movements. The last thing I'd want to do is embarrass myself. Then, I'd have to install a lock on my door, hide my shit-

"Test? What sort of test?" Mrs Jeon mutters, her voice wavering as though she knew what my dad meant. After all, she's lived with us long enough to know how brutal he could be when it came to training.

"O-oh, it's just one of those written tests, you know for legal purposes." I try not to stutter, fully aware that Mrs Jeon knows when I lie. Hopefully, she'll believe me this time.

She nods understandingly. "Dad, I need to talk to you for a bit- oh, goodnight Mrs Jeon." I stand, leaning down a bit to embrace her shoulders while glaring at my dad. He sends me an innocent expression, further fuelling my irritation.


"You wanted to speak to me?" He sits on his office chair, arrogance screaming from the way he leaned back.

"Cut the bullshit. He's not living here. Even if he does pass the test." A part of me hopes Jungkook won't pass due to this information. His lips curl into a sly grin.

"Also, Mrs Jeon doesn't know about it, so let's keep that between us. I don't want her knowing that her grandson might just die tomorrow. I think that's the least you could do, right?" I warn him.

"You must have a lot of faith in that boy if you think he'll pass that easily, Ro." He simply chuckles and shakes his head. "And I'll keep Mrs Jeon from knowing. She'll find out soon enough." He mumbled the last sentence out before stifling a yawn.

That's when I understood he's hiding something from me. But, I won't ask now. I have a feeling I'll find out quicker than I even realise.

"Any reports on the thief and the missing money?" Changing the subject is the better option for now. I fold my arms, taking a seat on the leather couch beside his desk.

"Unfortunately, no. Still no leads." His blunt tone indicates that he's controlling an outburst of rage. He massages his temple to soothe the stress, eyes closing in deep thought.

"What makes you so sure it was done by one person? Think about it, it's impossible for a guy to take down that many guards, plus how did he transport that much money in one night?" The situation seemed so peculiar. I couldn't help but release my thoughts.

"As logical that may sound, the guards only recalled pursuing one man. However, since the security cameras were disabled, I'm at a loss for where to start." I felt deflated as he spoke, knowing I haven't done anything to help.

Suddenly I remembered that Jimin worked for someone who had also been a victim of burglary and lifted my head. "Dad. We might just have a lead." I exclaim, catching his attention.

"Park Jimin. My suspect in school who I thought worked for BTS. Although he didn't, I found out his boss had also been robbed." I continue, walking over to his computer.

I usher him to move and he complies, allowing me to search information about their case. "What was his manager's name again..." I murmur, fingers hovering above the keyboard. "Ah! It was Mr Jung." I instantly type in his name.

"Wait, Mr Jung? The one you're working for this weekend?" My eyes stop scanning the report I discovered, my gaze diverted towards my dad.

"What?" I ask. "Must be a coincidence in names." I convince him, turning back to the screen.

"No. He's owns multiple nightclubs and casinos. Also, a very wealthy businessman. I understand why he would've been a target." He explains.

I sigh. "I think that's enough for today. I'll discuss this with Jimin tomorrow." I conclude, removing the flash drive I'd downloaded the data onto.

"Thank you, Ro." My dads grateful expression eases my tense mind. If I've learned one thing from this life, it's stressful. It can take a huge toll mentally, but the thrill of it all, is what I live for.

"No problem, dad. It's the least I can do." I smile lopsidedly, glancing at my phone. A flow of messages from Taehyung cascade down my screen.

"Oh, and good luck tomorrow dad." I smirk. As much as I'd love to spectate the test, I'll be in school during that time.

"Tch, just go." He huffs, his head remained focused onto his computer. "It's such a shame you won't be able to witness it. Let's see how much of a man Mrs Jeon's precious grandson is." He declares smugly.

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