6| Solace

31 3 4

Time: 7:02

Location: Local Café


"So... do yo-" He starts, however i'm quick to cut him off. "Hey, do you know anyone called Park Jimin?" I ask inquisitively, eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Huh? No never heard of him." He replies bluntly, seemingly irritated. His eyebrows furrow, "Why, who is he anyway?"

"Well, I heard he's a nice guy. Thought you knew him." I lie. "You jealous?" I tease him, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Tch, jealous? He's probably a jerk anyway." He pouts, annoyance laced in his tone. I smirk at his childish reply, "Don't worry, I think you're more handsome anyway."

His cheeks flush, becoming a light hue of red. "Th-thanks" He says. Seeing him shy is something I can get used to. It's cute.

Dammit Ro, what are you thinking. I mentally scold myself. You can't feel anything towards him, even if you want to. You don't want to right?


After buying me cake, Taehyung walks me home. However, I'm not going to show him exactly where I live, so I halt on a nearby street.

"Thanks for walking me home, but I'm fine here Tae." I explain, smiling lopsidedly at his confused expression. He doesn't seem convinced that this is where I live. How stubborn can he be?

"You sure? It's late. I don't want you to get in trouble." He blinks, adjusting his glasses nervously, which causes my heart to skip a beat, but I quickly dismiss it.

"Yeah, I can handle myself." I utter, biting the inside of my cheek, hoping he'll finally leave.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then..." He responds, purposely prolonging the sentence as if he's contemplating something. That's when he swiftly embraces my small form. He's tall compared to me, as my face buries into his chest, I'm caught off guard by the sudden skinship.

"H-hey, Taehyung, what are you doing?" I stutter, completely not used to such affection especially from a stranger. We barely know each other, how can he just hold someone so tight?

I feel my face burning as one hand rubs my back slowly. "I hope you'll find your brother." He mumbles softly against my ear. The sensation drives me to shove him away from me, overwhelmed by the emotions he induced from me.

I shiver from the loss of contact, nonetheless I regain my composure, balling my fists and restraining the urge to punch him straight in the jaw.

Then I remember my mission and turn away. "I-i hope so too. I'll be leaving now." He chuckles, mindful of my dazed state and grins. I don't bother replying, frustrated from his previous actions plus that stupid grin.


I rushed home, flustered and slam the door shut. I need to learn to cope when he does things like that out of nowhere. "Who does that jerk think he is?" I mutter to myself.

"Welcome home, Miss Ro." One of the maids greets me and smiles politely. All of them are quite old, however they all treated me with respect and even gave me advice as I grew older.

Without my mother, and my father prioritising his business, I'd be alone the majority of childhood, but with them here, they were the closest people I could call family. These people are special to me, one of the few I can truly trust with everything. They know almost everything about me anyway. They watched me grow after all.

"Hey, Mrs Jeon." I breathe out, relieved to see her. "How was your first day of school?" She asks gently. Her voice always manages to calm me down.

"Great. It was eventful." I lie, but I should've known better since she can tell when I lie. "Hm, really? How did your mission go? Made any new friends?" She continues, trying to get me to confess who caused me to come home looking annoyed.

I pout. "Fine. I managed to find information regarding who the undercover student for BTS is but along the way I met a guy then we ate at a café then he walked me home and suddenly hugged me and now I'm here." I answer without pausing, and immediately sigh, realising how exhausting this day was.

Even a week of pure training is harder. What am I saying, this is an easy assignment. I'll prove to dad I'm capable. I've dreamed of working with him for years, I'm not letting this opportunity go to waste. "You happy now?" I say, collapsing onto the couch as she sits beside me.

"Who's this guy then?" She urges, excitement evident in her tone. "No one." I sigh, "I don't like him Mrs Jeon. He's just an asset, that's all." I reply monotonously, bored with the idea that Mrs Jeon wants me to get a boyfriend already.

"Enough about my day, how's your grandson? Jungkook, right?" I question.
"Heard he's planning to work with us, right?" I successfully change the topic as I know she loves talking about her beloved grandson. Smiling mentally, I sit up to look at her bright expression at the mention of his name.

"Oh Jungkookie, he's such an energetic boy and trains very hard. I hope your father will accept him. I want you to meet him one day, dear." She gushes, eyes twinkling. Mrs Jeon loves her family, and seeing her happy makes me feel happy too.

"Don't worry about it Mrs Jeon, I'll convince dad to recruit him. I'm sure he'll listen to me." I assure her, placing my hand on top of hers gently.

"Thank you very much, Ro. You're very kind. Oh! I almost forgot, you're father asked me to send you to his office once you arrive home." She stands up, hurriedly nudging me towards his office.

"Great timing, there's a lot we need to talk about." I state firmly, planning out everything I'll tell him in advance as I walk down the hallway.

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