2| Encounter

83 3 5

Day: Monday

Time: 4:59 AM

Location: My Bedroom


"Ughh...why tf did I make an alarm for 5AM... It's not like I'm going to school.." I groaned while searching for my phone.

hmph. Fucking hated that place. Too many people. Too much stress. But it's fine. I'm working for dad now. When was my first assignment again?...

"6AM sharp... remember?" I giggled still half-asleep, burying my head further into the warm, comforting feeling of my pillows.

"6am...6AM, TODAY!" I screamed, shooting my head up, adrenaline quickly kicking in, I quickly grabbed my phone. "Fuck, 5:37" Curses repeatedly left my mouth as I prepared for the quickest shower of my life.

Surprisingly, a uniform was neatly folded on my bed. I quickly wore it without hesitation, and checked the time while harshly brushing the long strands of my pitch-black hair. Reminding myself to cut this shit off next time, I read '5:59'. Shit, I'm too late.

Jumping down four steps at a time, backpack in hand, I ran to his office. Why does it have to be on the other side of the house?

I turned to an abrupt left as I dashed through the corridor to his office. You couldn't miss it. The doors slowly becoming clearer in sight; I burst in without knocking.

I make eye contact with him and lightly pat my hair down. I'm sure I look like a complete mess right now. "You're early" he says smiling at me sarcastically.

"Of course I am. Now please explain to me why I'm going back to hell?" I furrowed my eyebrows, clearly annoyed.

"Since it's your first assignment, I thought I'd give you something difficult. Unless you don't want to? And before you interrupt me with more questions, let me explain what you actually have to do. Unlike a normal student going to school, you don't have to actually learn. All you have to do is figure out who our rival company, BTS sent there and why they're there. They could be looking for you too so be careful." He explained with folded arms behind his desk.

"That's it?" Thank God I don't have to study. "Then why is it difficult?" I quirked an eyebrow and folded my arms mirroring his posture.

"Well that's not the only job you'll be doing throughout the week. Here's your schedule."
He slid two documents towards me on his desk.

"Monday-Friday, you'll work undercover as a student however, during the weekends you'll work at a bar. You're already hired and I've ordered my men to create your 'ID', I'll explain everything regarding that Friday night, but for now you need to go to school, sweetie".

He rarely calls me that so I can't help but feel like he's mocking me. He knows how much I despise school and sending me there must amuse him.

"Then I must be going then, my dearest father. I mustn't be late now, should I?". Two can play that game. As much as it pains me as well, too much formality between us makes him uncomfortable.

"No you shouldn't, j-just leave" he sighed, motioning his hand towards the door.

Turning around, I left his office, purposely leaving the door wide open.

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