9| Vain

19 3 4

Day: Thursday

Time: 4:25

Location: School.


"Taehyung-ahhh, how long does it take?" I repeat for the fourth time as his eyebrow twitches from annoyance.

Only the two of us occupied the once lively classroom, as I sat in front of Taehyung's desk, with my hand underneath my chin.

It's been an hour and Taehyung won't leave until he finishes his homework. I told him that I was going to find Jimin and that he had to come with me as revenge for that little stunt he pulled three days ago. From listening to the girls, I discovered that he played basketball after school. Typical.

"If you'd stop bothering me then maybe I'd have finished half an hour ago. Also, I don't have time at home." He pauses, looking up to adjust his glasses. All too quickly, he continues writing.

"What if he goes home, huh? I'll have to wait until tomorrow. I don't have the time. Let's go." Being fed up from knowing I've made no progress whatsoever for the past few days, I stand, swiftly snatching his work and dumping it in my bag.

Leaving him no time to react, I grab his hand and exit the classroom. In the corner of my eye, I spot a group of guys playing a heated game outside in the court. Immediately, I catch sight of a boy with ash grey hair, presuming that's Jimin as the girls couldn't stop squealing over his new hair colour.

My thoughts are interrupted when my vision becomes black. My head is stuffed into Taehyung's chest from the force of his pull towards him. "Y-you need to stop doing that, jerk." I stutter, caught off guard again.

"Then give my homework back, you impatient shortie." He grins, patting my head.

"Yah, I'm not that short! And no, I won't give it back until later." I stand straight onto my tiptoes, directly facing him and smirk.

Our noses touch as I pull him closer, placing my hands on his broad shoulders. His eyes widen, outwardly dumbfounded by my action. From someone else's point of view, it seemed like we were about to kiss, until I harshly pinch his right ear.

He hisses from the pain, shoving me away.
"You were nervous, weren't you?" I laugh, pleased from the reaction I evoked from him. He clutches his ear softly, the shade turning reddish while he death stares at me.

He remains silent as I walk away towards the door leading outside. Clueless of the fact that Taehyung stood motionless, flustered from how near our faces were moments ago.


Exactly when I open the door, a basketball is hurled towards my face. Luckily, I'm quick to act and dodge it in a split second, avoiding myself from being embarrassed. I exhale loudly, bending down to pick it up as it rolls beside my feet.

"Hey! Who threw this ball?" I yell, marching towards the group of boys staring at me intensely.

"Nice reflexes, pretty woman, but can I have the ball back?" Jimin puts his hand out, expecting me to hand it over, but I don't move. He quirks an eyebrow and brushes his silky hair back, exposing his forehead. Sweat trickles down the side of his face, however he doesn't bother wiping it away.

"That ball could've hit my face." I counter, unfazed by his compliment and stubbornly continuing the conversation.

"Look, our team needs one more shot to beat these punks. So if you could kindly pass that ball- wait why are you back here anyway?" His serious expression contorts into a teasing one.

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