15| Loser

32 4 6

Day: Saturday

Time: 11:17

Location: Home


It's been hours since I've woken up and only one thought corrupted my mind; Taehyung. It shouldn't be a problem since I don't care about him but something kept bringing my mind back to him, yet my heart felt he wasn't worth the trouble.

I had enough so I decide to get up, until Jungkook breaks in again, but waving two guns in his hands. "Wanna practice?" I tilt my head in confusion and chuckle.

"Sure why not?" I announce, promptly catching the gun he threw towards me. Last night, dinner with Jungkook and Mrs Jeon was very awkward.

After witnessing him carry me downstairs on his shoulder, she thought something had happened between us. She blatantly pictured us together even though we literally had just met and Jungkook found it amusing, telling me how I looked like a pissed off kid.

Despite his teasing, I was sort of thankful Jungkook wasn't some sort of crazy maniac who escaped prison with the desire to murder. He was someone I think would piss you off, but care for you when you need someone, so in reality a good friend. Just an observation though.

"I'm a little competitive, thought you should know." I crack my knuckles, smirking at his surprised face.

He arrogantly twirls his gun like a toy, aiming it at the target and shooting it perfectly. "Oh really?" The glance he gives me afterwards drives me to show him he's not the only one who can show off.

I focus on the target in the corner of my eye for a split second, and pull his shirt towards me, shooting in the exact same place he did. He gapes his mouth in disbelief then flashes me a proud smile. "Nice shot, but let's make this more interesting, princess." I roll my eyes from the name and listen.

"Most perfect shots on target gets to make the loser do whatever they want." I never miss so this will be an easy challenge.

"You better get used to doing everything I say for a week, including chores." I mention, and he laughs reloading his gun and cracking his neck. "We'll see." I shoot him a wink before preparing to shoot as well.


"You cheated!" He accuses me, a blush creeping onto his pale cheeks.

"I wouldn't do such a horrid thing." I gasp, covering my mouth. During his last shot, I kissed his cheek knowing that would distract him and it worked.

"You didn't say I couldn't distract you." I tell him sarcastically, while patting his back from losing. "Hm, whats the first thing I want you to do?" I tap my fingers on my chin, thinking of a punishment for all the shit he did yesterday.

"You're gonna wear bunny ears every time you're at home." He freezes, body still as he comprehends my words.

"You're evil." I shrug, imagining the embarrassment on his face and laugh to myself. If dad sees him, he'll definitely reconsider accepting him into the company.

"You're lucky I'm not forcing you to wear it outside. Now what colour do you want? Red or black?" He doesn't reply, but walks away and I grab his sleeve, pulling him back.

"You little-" His words are interrupted as we hear footsteps approaching us. As soon as I hear the sound of crutches, I know who it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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