13| Broken

30 3 4

Day: Friday

Time: 3:57

Location: School


He widens his eyes, surprised and relieved to be able to talk to someone without putting up a disguise. "Long story, don't ask." I add, ending the subject.

"More importantly, I think we could work together. Your manager, Mr Jung and my dad have both been victims of recent theft. I want to know if you've had any leads on BTS." He nods grasping the situation as I take my laptop out, displaying the report.

"There. That's where the report made a mistake." He lifts his finger, pointing out the error.

"CCTV footage from Mr Jung's house had unfortunately been stolen, removing any solid evidence for them to track down the culprit to such a dreadful crime." I read out loud. "What's the mistake?" I turn my head at Jimin as he expertly types in a series of codes.

"It's not stolen if someone who worked for Mr Jung did it for him, right?" He smirks wickedly, entering the last number.

The screen glitches weirdly, until it reveals 6 different camera recordings. We watch as two men; masked and concealed in black attire skilfully take down numerous guards at the front gate.

The time being way past midnight at 3AM. Jimin's expression is stern as we observe the scene, the sound of gunshots violently bursting through the speakers. "They attacked when my boss wasn't at home." He continues.

"Same with my dad." I answer, focused on each screen, carefully looking for any clue. A thick head of icy blonde hair catches my sight. "Jimin, focus on camera 4." He complies, zooming into the specific screen.

"That guy. He's the only one without a cap on. Guess he didn't want to ruin his hair." I mock, watching him clutch two silver handguns; movements assertive and precise with each shot. Damn, they're skilled.

"Know anyone with such a noticeable hair colour?" Jimin shakes his head, attempting to form any image of someone similar.

My phone unexpectedly rings, disrupting our concentration. I peek at the number realising it's Mrs Jeon. I quirk an eyebrow. She never calls unless it's an emergency. What happened?

"Yah Jimin, something's happened at home. Give me your phone." I snatch it from his hand, adding myself as a new contact. "Tell me if you see anything suspicious. Also, I think your real persona is cooler. Don't hide it." I say, ruffling his hair before I rush off.


Blood spills heavily into his mouth, staining his teeth from his busted lip. Pure resentment burned within his dilated eyes, driving him to kill the boy in front of him. He counteracts with a punch to the boy's jaw; his first injury.

It had been two hours since they began. No weapons involved. This ensured that his opponent was experienced in hand to hand combat and would not rely solely on weapons. Otherwise, they're weak and don't deserve to work for him.

The boy lands another solid hit onto his bruised face, causing him to stumble and lose his balance. Nevertheless, the man recomposes himself, foot bringing a painful strike onto his lower abdomen. A deep growl escapes his lips.

He pounces onto the boy, flooring him after an uppercut in the same area, firm hands choking his pale neck. The boy begins to lose his breath, struggling to inhale from the pressure. The man's actions become more unpredictable as he acts on impulse.

However, the boy couldn't decipher what had angered the man so strongly. After all, it was the man who provoked him. He spits onto the man's face, switching their position to one where he gripped onto his right arm, twisting the limb agonisingly slow.

The man yells in discomfort, managing to use his left hand to seize the boy's charcoal locks, dragging him off of his body. They stand up. Both heaving deep breaths, sweat flowing down their foreheads; two pairs of eyes reflecting the intention of murder.

He begins to walk closer, with the aim to destroy the boy's attractive face. It was evident who had taken the most damage, however neither one backed down. He managed to smirk in approval midway.

The boy was quick, the man knew that. He was capable of a speed he once held before he aged. Immediately, the boy picks up his pace, seemingly turning his back away, when in reality he connected a powerful high kick into the man's head. That was enough to plunge his body onto the ground; unconscious and numb.

The boy sighs deeply, fixing his disheveled hair and hissing in pain. His breathing is uneven as he clutches stomach. A bit of blood escapes his dry lips as his coughs are strained. He diverts his attention towards the man, eyes narrowing at the sight.

He lifts him up, arm placed over his shoulder before exiting the heated room. "You're good for an old man." He chuckles. The man limps alongside him, groaning from the effects of a concussion; unable to reply.

Jungkook collapses onto a couch after dropping the man onto a bed in a random room, passing out from exhaustion.


I accidentally slam the front door open too forcefully, creating a loud bang in the house. "Mrs Jeon! I'm home, what happened?" She's quick to walk up to me, eyes teary and form shaking.

She doesn't say anything, but buries her head onto my shoulder, and I instantly embrace her. "It's ok, just tell me what happened alright?" I rub her back soothingly, hoping to calm her down.

"Jungkook..." Was all she managed to say and I finally realised what had happened today. The test. "Shit." I mumbled quietly. He must be broken. "Where are they?" She points to a spare room, and I nod.

I feel worried for him. Shouldn't he be in hospital right now? Why is he still here? My thoughts are stopped when I walk into the room.

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