Accountant Stilinski

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"Look," Derek says. "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I should probably be talking to the Loans Manager." And not the monkey.

The kid doesn't look up from where he's poring over Derek's business plan. "Shhh," he says, and carries on reading.

Derek has better things to do with his time than sit across a desk from this power-tripping bank teller who's playing dress-up with his pin-striped suit and his slicked-back hair. He's probably given himself a promotion while his boss is at lunch.

"Okay," the kid says a few minutes later. "I have a couple of questions."

There are always a couple of questions. What you makes you think Beacon Hills needs another gym? Why should we invest in your idea? Have you lost your freakin' mind?

And then the inevitable no.

It doesn't seem to matter that Derek already has most of the money he needs to kick-start this venture. Most is not all.

"Tell me more about this 'great outdoors' theme," the kid - who for some reason insists on being called Stiles - says thoughtfully.

That's a...surprise, and Derek is still pretty sure that he's wasting his breath here, but it's nice to tell someone about his baby. So he launches into his spiel about how people dislike being cooped indoors when the weather is fine, and how evening hikes and weekend trails would be a huge part of this project. There's a whole social aspect just waiting to be tapped into. And a large outdoor area at the back of the building, with shaded areas for classes. Plus a coffee shop, and an events area for business meetings or book clubs or whatever. There's also a pool - which the other gyms don't have - and an ideal location, right next door to the pre-school. Business packages will be a priority, and Derek hopes to support the community by displaying art from up and comings, and promoting various...

Stiles cuts him off with a held up palm. "Okay," he nods.

"Okay?" Derek repeats.

"Yes," Stiles says. "Yes. I'm going to take a chance."

Derek doesn't fully believe it until the money is actually in his business account, and from there things move so quickly that he only knows his bed for about five hours a night over the following six months. And finally, on one bright June morning, All Hale opens for business.

Derek starts to sleep for four hours a night.



It takes Derek a couple of seconds to place him. The suit has been replaced by a graphic tee and skinny jeans, and the hair is product free, but the eyes and the mouth are still the same.

"Can I interest you in a tour?" he smiles professionally.

"Sure," Stiles grins back. "I'm specifically interested in the area where hot, sweaty, almost-naked men work out. Especially the hot, sweaty not-naked-enough owners."

Derek rolls his eyes. "Great. It must be ten minutes since I was last sexually harassed."

Stiles flushes furiously. "Sorry," he mutters. "I wasn't trying to harass you. I was trying to...flirt. With you."

"You're terrible at it," Derek says, beginning to lead Stiles towards the outdoor compound where a yoga class is just starting.

"Ain't got no game," Stiles agrees mournfully.


Stiles is back at least three times a week, but never to actually work out, or swim, or take part in classes. Instead he badgers Derek into having coffee with him and makes Derek laugh with wacky tales and mesmerises Derek with his always moving hands.

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