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gwyneth pov

it was morning, i was deep depression due to the fact of everything that i had been though. my crappy life, i just rolled over to the right side of the bed, so the sunlight was out of my eyes. i didn't really or want to get out of the bed or do anything. today i just wanted to lay in the bed and cry in the pain of the fact that victoria had taken my family away and now i was so close to the reincarnation of my husband cesar. i covered my head with the thick blanket that was on the bed. soon after i started to fall a sleep and hopeful i would forget everything

~~~~~ cassandra pov

i was downstairs sitting on the sofa, drinking some tea had brew for me this morning. i was worried about gwyneth, she had not come out of her room, yet it was afternoon now and lily was in the kitchen cooking and making tea. and the whole time i was worried about gwyneth, she was my best friend and i could not. help her and go upstairs and walked into her room but the whole i wanted to give her space and time to heal for the day.

~~~~~ camilia pov

i had woke up in the bed, but don't really remember walking home and getting in the bed. but i woke up with a headache and i felt weak, but i got up and walk downstairs. there was lily and cassandra, sitting down on the sofa and talking they . saw me and i was walking down and i had joining them, on the sofa. " how are you mia ?" she said, " okay i feel sick" i said than cassandra spoke up " that's normal specially use all or a lot of your magic " she explain to me .

~~~~ lily pov

i bought her breakfast, " here tea, breakfast, this help you feel better and help your magic to regrow from using it like last night" i said as i place her breakfast in front of her and she started to eat it. i knew that cassandra mind was somewhere else she was worried about our leader. gwyneth has been upstairs i guess sleeping and resting the day away now. i didn't blame her at all, it's hard to be here our husband had been reincarnation now here, it's hard just to here in the village to know they are so close but so far. i thought to myself in the moment

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