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creepypasta14 user09232320 )

gwyneth pov

It was fall here in the ape village, today it been couple day since the victoria thing and i started. To move on from being sad and depression, i thought in  the moment as i walked  through the village and taking everything in, the lake and their garden. Where the apes grow vegetables and fruits for themselves and i saw other apes. Bring in their hunt such as deer and bear i had saw in the moment as i walked around the village. Than i saw him, cesar than i quickly backed to my home quickly and fast as i could

cassandra pov

I was at the healing area with maurice, his wounds were still fresh i want to change his bandages . Before his wounds get infected thanks to the humans or whatever shot him. I thought as finished up, i saw he woke up, he had woke up before . he started to weakly sign " water " he asked for i nodded than i got him a water help him to drink after he finished i sat by him. Make sure he had company at least, i thought in the moment i placed my hand on his arm. He was back to sleep, sweet dreams maurice i thought to myself in my moment.

~~~~~ camilia pov

I had started to feel better since, after spell we acted to protect the village and the apes. I thought in the moment i was walking in the woods. Outside of the village and where we live as well. I thought in the moment. As walked through the woods, i saw the beautiful orange, red and yellow that had fallen from the. Beautiful trees that were here in the woods, i saw the lake that went near or close to the village. I like to watch the water it was relaxing to me i thought to myself in the moment.

lily pov~~~~

Fall was a hard time for me, it was the season when i met my mate luca. It wasn't good day, so far because i saw him luca within the village i walked to the house. Where i sat down in the living room. I started to think about things, about before and when i lost luca in the war. On the battlefield, it was sad and worst day of my life so far i thought to myself. I relive the moment within my thoughts, i wipe my tears before anyone could see me in this moment of weakness.

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