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Hari berganti hari. . .

Minggu berganti minggu. . .

Bulan berganti bulan. . .

Tahun berganti tahun. . .

Tetapi dirimu masih tetap tertanam lekat di ingatanku. . .




❝ We were so happy back then, you know. . . Never once crossed in my mind we'll ended this way.❞

If you can't make the ending for us, then let me make it for you. ❞


❝ I wish I could going back to the day I was the happiest girl alive, before I met you, and lost my self completely.❞

My heart won't change. . . It will never change. You can never erase that from me.


Perhaps we won't be the most happiest couple. And perhaps I won't be your best choice in the first place. But all I did is just for you. . .

❝ Letting go is hard. It feels like thousand knives stabs me right into the heart. But, trust me, this will worth it.❞




Wadaw. Angst-nya kerasa sekali ya. Tapi ff ini ngga seberat itu kok. Hehehehehe. Ini biar feels nya kerasa aja. Hope you guys will enjoy this ff!

P.s : inspired by tiga dara /okno.

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