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Pt two biotches ;)))




Damien : Y-yeah... you did ask for suits, right Andrew?

Andrew : How should I know?! I only asked for costumes!

Vio : Fuck this, time to be drug lords.

Ice : Hmm, ok? I mean, cute!

Damien : Welp. Its f-for the money!
*snatches a dress*

Vio : Hah! *gets goth dress* Bitches.

Ice : Ooh *gets light blue dress* neato!

Andrew : *gets the standard dress* oh thank god

Con : That leaves me with-*gets the last dress* shit


Ice : Woooow dude.

Con : This is so revealing! It even has stockings and a head piece!

Damien : A-Atleast you get to look great in it!

Con : You can probably see my asshole if you stoop low enough.

Andrew : I mean //no homo bro// you do have an ass to die for, seeing how people respond.

Ice : And you do have a very feminine structure-


Vio : But, you do want your wifi, right Con?

Con : *nods*

Vio : Then buckle up, cuz we have one hell of a day tomorrow.

Andrew : I cant believe this.

Ice : I am gonna look •.°Fabulous°.•

Damien : R-right.


@ the cafe, wednesday-10am

Manager : Well, you did bring your costumes, I guess it still counts. Well, hurry up and get dressed. The cafe is about to open~


Damien : Right boss!

Andrew : Oh boy here we go.

Vio : Whatever.

Con : *cursing in latin out of pure frustration and humiliation*


-all boyos get dressed-

Ice : *strutts out of backroom-
...I. Look. FABULOUS!

Vio : This isnt half bad. Minus the long-ass skirt, I'm ok.

Andrew : I agree. Is this what lolitas feel like?

Damien : *feeling wholesome*

Andrew : Now all we're waiting for is-

Con : *comes out of the backroom* . . . I immediately regret using up the wifi last month.

Everyone else : . . .*starts bursting out in laughter*

Damien: T-there is no fucking way you c-cant get laid by doing this!

Andrew : And who gave you those heels dude?

Ice : Slay queen! Slay!

Con : I hate this. Period.

Manager : Whats with the waitin boys?! Off to work with ya!

Boyos : Yes boss!!!

~~shenanigary begins~~~


Damien : *at the front desk* W-welcome to Sempai's b-butler cafe, ladies~☆

Lite Blue : Oh my god hes adorable

Papy : I dont know sis, you have do have weird standards on men.

Damien : 🤗~

Lite blue : I dont care, he's cute.

Damien : *in head* Fuck, shes hot.


Evelynn : A-are you sure this is the place J-jenna works at?

Khaliea : Hopefully. I should've known that memey bitch would've done something like this.

Joey : True. True. C'mon lets orde-

Anndrew : Would you like to order sir~?

Joey :😶 (T///T) He's fucking adorable what the fuck AAAAAAAHH-

Evelynn : 🙄 (0v0 )Oops, looks like someone fits Joe's standards~

Khaliea : 😁 holy shit wait is my brother gay?! Haha. Great.

Joey : ...

Anndrew : nice lookin guy Are you gonna order sir?

Khaliea : A-Ahem.

Joey : Ri-right! Umm...


Katsumi & Izumi : *Chatting up a storm*

Vio : What would you lesbians-I mean ladies want to order?

Izumi : hehe, um (>\\\< )

Katsumi : I'll order her *points to Izuyu* to-go.

Izumi : BAKU!

Vio : Comin right up, oh and nearest closet is to the right.

Katsumi : *stands up* Perfect *drags Izuyu to the nearest closet*

Vio : i ship it.


Con : *serving drinks* I hate this. Even if its only the first day here My opinion still stands.

Con : like, *setting down milkshakes* i never even knew france was this kinky.

Con : *sigh* Anything else girls?

Tori : hehe, Hva er en søte som du gjør her, iført det?

Con : I know enough dialects from mom to know what that means *rolls eyes* ingen av virksomheten din, slutten

Tori : Ouch, I'm so hurt by that. Such great service.

Con : Dont mention it *starts walking away*

Tori : *trips him up* oops? My bad~

Ell : TORI!

Con : Resist the urge, Con. Resist.


Ice : Did you fall from heaven? *sets food down*

Yooni (yoongi) : why, cuz Im an "angel"? patheti-

Ice : No, cuz I think I've fallen for you~

Seokjinn (Jin) : Oooooh! Yooni is blushing~

Jeona (Jeon J.) : Thats a first.

Yooni : F-fuck off.

Ice : Always smooth with the ladies.

-in the end, Damien got hooked up, Andrew is doing a gr8 job as the head waiter, Vio is evil, Con wants to die and Ice is getting so many girlfriends.



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