Quarantine Shenanigans #1?

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Yeah so vines later, shenanigary now

What the bros been doin ever since enhanced community quarantine.

week 1

Con : yoOo so like, no work?

Frost : yeah, my dad messaged me, quarantines startin.

Dreiah : well thats sweet, more time to draw I guess

Loui : hahaha well if you need me I'll be binging my well deserved anime and manga *scooting away to their room*

Sam : Count me in!

Vio, still in college and has to do thesis essays : Lucky bastards.

Conn : Ayo who wants to bake muffins?

~at the grocery store~

Emil : So we gotta stock up on food because...?

Ann : 'cause we're gonna be needing essentials for the next 5 weeks due to the ecq. I got Frost's blackcard.

Emil, strolling through the toiletries aisle : Hmm, well then I'll get the...toilet paper..???

Ann : Fuck where'd the tp go.

Emil : Not even car napkins...

week 3

Sam : That was anti-climactic.

Vio : Its Titanic.

Emil : I got 5 more movies, are you guys still up for it?

Frost : *sleeping*

Conn and Dreiah : *fell asleep playing Cookie Run and Animal Crossing*

Ann : Fucking Jack ruining my mascara I worked hard on this for fucks sAKE.

Emil : Guys-

Loui, stretching : *Yawns* what time is it...?

Sam : ...1 am, we stayed up all night.

Vio : Hah, I've had worse *sips black coffee*

Loui, yawning : Next movie..

Emil : Alright, so... Emoji Movie or BlaireWitch project?

Sam : Emoji movie???

Ann : Why the hell do we have that?

Vio, setting their cup down  : Burn it.

Emil : ...Emoji movie it is.

Everyone : uuUUgHh

week 5

Loui : *sniffing the air* ...you smell that?

Vio and Sam : *nods yea*

Sam : *sets down beastars manga* Smells like smoke...and..

Vio : ...cookies?

Conn : AaHHHhHHh DREiAh OUr cOoKIes ANd mUffIns *runs to the smoking oven with oven mits*

Dreiah : I-Uh, what-what do we dO?

Conn : Get the fire extinguisher before the-

*Fire alarm goes off and sprinklers go off*

Everyone : aAGHh!?




Ann : Guys get a face mask we'll handle this *walks in with a fan and fire extinguisher* Open the windows

Dreiah : Okay... *opens the balcony and windows*

Ann, pulling on Conn's ear : next time

Conn : A-Ah! mom that hurts-  fuckfuckfuck-

Ann : DONT nap on what your cooking or baking, dumbass.

Conn : I get it! I get it! Let go already please!-

week 8

-the gc-

Frost : Guys.

Loui : oh no-

Ann : Yeah?

Frost : I mightve bought us a new TV HAHAHAHA

Conn : Hell yeah whens it commin?

Sam : But dont we have like, two TVs already?

Ann : Shush child, accept the free TV

Vio : How much did this cost? exactly?-

Conn : *Digitaly slaps Vio's face*  DOESNT MATTER- FREE TV

Vio : for fUCKS-

Dreiah : guys its...hecking.. 2 am??? Arent you supposed to sleep now?

Everyone :

Loui : Its 2 am?!

Emil, in the other room : SHUT UP PLEASE ITS 2 AM-

week 11

Sam : What're you guys doing?

Conn : Trying to get tiktok famous with trickshots.

Emil, holding the camera : this is stupid-

Loui : stupidly genius. we almost got it man just 1 more shot

Ann and Vio, walking in : what're they doing?...

Conn, from the second floor railing : aight, try number 236 lets do this

Sam : are you watching this?

Dreiah : uh yeah. its been 3 hours, though

Conn : *throws the ball*

*the ball bounces on the frying pans*

*the ball fucking falls in the cup*

Loui : YEA!

Conn : WhOOOO SHI T- *slides down the railing* FINALLY

Emil : I got it on tape, can we please post this now? I want to sleep-


Vio : that was unecessarily endearing to watch.

Sam : Damn. To think this is the 236th try

Dreiah : indeed.

present week

Sam : And that is why, I believe, that with the power of philosophy I have cracked *bangs hand down on table* the code of sleep

Vio : Is this the reason we heard you binging history channel?

Conn : At 2 am?

Frost : I was with her and can confirm we binged history channel.

Vio : Why? Though???

Loui : Dude you know that channel is bull after dark

Sam : But thats the best PART-


Dreiah, locking her door while sipping bobba : not meeeee-

Emil : Whoever switched the froot loops with the milk you owe me a clean bedsheet!

Sam : Uh as I was saying-

Conn : That reminds me I have to clean the rugs outside ahahahah talk to you later guys

Ann & Emil : OI-

Vio & Loui & Frost : shes out the balcony

Sam : ...

hdhjaa ttyl

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