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b4 the cursed shit

theres mom and her sis at walmart

Ann : We got em all?

Frost : Yep. We got our Hersheys for the good costumes, Snickers for the okay ones, pocky for the cosplayers and raisins for the bad kids

Ann : Define 'bad kids' ?

Frost : Y'know the ones that egg houses and dress up in full black to cause car accidents

Ann : Oh. Yeah they deserve raisins.

Frost : See, when it comes to food, I'm always right

Ann :  (Says the girl who mixed juice and ginger tea)


Cashier : That'll be $56.98 miss

Ann : Alright lemme get my card-

??? : Hurry up would ya? I'm a mom making a difference and I need to pick up Tim from soccer

Ann : Ahuh...Excuse me?

??? : I said hurry up! Cant you see I have a baby here!

Cashier : Shut it Karen, let these ladies have a good halloween why don't ya?

Karen : But I got to the store first! I should be in this line but nooOOoO!

Frost : Thats cause we finished our shopping first, Karen.

Karen : *gAsP* How dare you assume my name in such a tone?!

Cashier : It...It is your name

Kid : Mommy I want those *Points to the pack of candies* Now Mommy! Pleeeaaaase!

Ann : Oh no! No no no! We are paying now! Frost, card

Frost : *gives her the cred card and quickly grabs the candies*

Ann : Thank you! Lets go lets-

Karen : Uhm, excuse me where do you think you're going with my child's candy?

Frost : Oh c'mon lady

Ann : Sorry, these are ours and we paid for them. Good day *gets into the car*

Frost : Why dontcha buy your owm sweets for your own kid's cavities? Hah! *Gets into the car too*

Karen : Hey! Get back here you two-HEY! *Chases the two to their car*

*Rolls open the sky light and peaks through* YOU WANT CANDY LADY?! HERE!

Frost : *Throws to the lady the raisins* BYE FELICIA! HAH! *Goes back in he car*


Frost, flipping hair : I threw her the raisins. Now shut up and drive before she gets in her car too-

Soon, Karen followed them to the apartment building

but the girls told security to not let in any karens, anywhere near their building.

Karen tried to get in. Karen is now is prison for assault and resistance of arrest.

Dont be like Karen kids, stay in school.

The end.



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