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You already know what this is about.

Ann : Guys I got groceries. While I get the other bags put the food in the cabinets and in their places okay?

Con : Suuuuuuurreee thing mooooom.

Drieah : Mhhhm. *thumbs up*

Ann : I expect everything to be in its place or I swear to god-

Con, shouting : We got it mom!

Dreiah, putting the cans in the cupboards : Do we have stuff to put in the freezer?

Con : Hell yeah we do *pulls out a bag of nuggets*

Dreiah : *GAAASP* GIMME!

Con, being a fucken tree : Ah-Ah no! we share. Got it?

Dreiah : * >:3 * Heheheh okay

Ann : I bought some nutella, I don't want anyone eating this. Are you two done?

Con and Dreiah, Acting nice and hiding the nuggets : *nods*

Ann : Good! heres some more I'll get the last bag *Leaves*

Con and Dreiah : *Cue the grinch music*

-A week later-

Ann, about to make some no-sangkap-microwave-lunch : *checks the freezer* ...? Where the fuck-

Frost : Whats wrong?

Ann : The microwave nuggets are missing.

Frost : They are?

Ann : Yeah.

Frost : Well...You can check Dreiah's minifridge in her room.

Ann : Well okay then *walks over to her room and knocks* Drei?

Dreiah and Con, eating the microwave nuggets : 0-0

Dreiah : ...shoot-



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