This sucks

40 4 29

Take the title seriously

Also Frost and Ann aint here. They adulting and giving candy to trick or treaters.

So. f UNn nO aDuLts iN mEnTalItY aIgHt

-Standing outside the house-

Loui, looking up at the mansion : Thats a pretty big house *flashes light into a nearby window*

Emil : Dont you mean mansion?

Loui : Tomato-Potato, its all the same thing.

Vio : Lets just get this over with already. *reloads crossbow*

Conn : Just dont forget to have fun, four eyes. *Pockets switch knife* Besides the neighbors of this house dont give a shit if you break into it.

Sam : What do you think is in there guys? I mean, besides the crunky drug dealers and murderers.

Loui : Probably ghost. Old ghost.

Conn : Or hobos.

Dreiah : I guess I'll knock *walks up to the door & knocks*

Sam : Uh, why'd you knock? Theres no people?

Dreiah : We dont have the key, right? So yeah...Atleast we tried.

Conn : Aight time to make a grand entrance *pushes open one door*

Emil, peeking their head in : ...This a big place...

Vio, pushing the other door : Damn...

Loui, screeching : HONEY! IM HOOOOME!

Conn : *Laughing* Omfg you madlad- HAVE YOU PREPARED DINNER?-

Vio, hitting them on the head : Shut up will you! We don't want to bring trouble to us.

Sam, squeezing in : C'mon I think I see a staircase up ahead.

Loui, also squeezing in : I swear this place reminds me of that one horror movie.

Conn : Hah, yeah, next thing we know fucking chainsaw killer comes outta nowhere.

Dreiah : *poking at stuff* these, really old.

Emil : Should we explore this place or waste our time?

Dreiah : Wait what-

Conn : I say we split up!

Vio : Dont make this into an actual horror movie goddamit.

Conn : No I mean- to fully explore this place we should split up. To get a good viiiibe y'know?

Emil : Famous last words.

Sam : Wont we get lost though? Its a preeetty big mansion-house-thing.

Loui : I don't know man. It could be dangerous, if this place really is old.

Dreiah : Same. This place just feels like...Like someone is watching you.

Sam : Yeah me too. Who knows whats in here...

Vio : Atleast you agree, how about you three-

*they left*

Vio : *exasperated sigh* Ok, lets all regroup here. Got it?

-Into the exploration-

Sam, walking around the house : ...

Sam : ! *gets the walky talky* Guys I think I found the kitchen.

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