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aAaAhgh i barely update do i? yeah i suppose.


Happy (belated im so sorry I forgot   wattpad existed) borf Frostmana393 yEeT

-everyone, again, at the table-

Sam : -okay but all I'm saying is that by every milisecond that goes by-

Conn : *snapping fingers aggressively* Aye, aye listen up bitches. We got a birthday to do. AGAIN. For tomorrow.

Loui : Ain't it Frost's birthday tomorrow?

Emil : dont tell me you forgot.

Conn : ...I may have forgotten- bUT THATS NOT THE POINT!

Sam : But like...Isn't it?

Conn : Still still it aint the point. What I'm saying is that we gotta prepare a birthday that hopefully Frost will like.

Dreiah : Uh also, wheres Ann and Vio?

Loui : They're with Frost to buy us some time. Cuz, y'know, we're stallin-

Conn : -the pOInt is, we need to prepare a birthday. Any ideas.

everyone :

Sam : Yeah I got nothin.

Emil : Hmm, why not we just buy food and celebrate a simple party?

Loui : We did that already.

Conn : Yeah we dont wanna be unoriginal.

Dreiah : Why not. We...Uh.. Do a surprise party? Not in the middle of the night, this time.

Conn : Hmm...That is..Actually an okay idea.

Sam : Why don't we surprise Frost with like, the ice stuff you get from the freezer?

Loui : AAHAH- And like throw em like snowballs?

Conn : BrilLIANT! Now that we have an element of surprise I-

Emil : excuse me but, how exactly will we make that much freezer ice and NOT make a wet mess? I ain't cleanin that.

Sam : Hmm, also the ca-

Conn : Vio got that under controll

Dreiah : Whats the cake?

Conn : Ice cream cake baby.

Dreiah : *Happy dreiah noises*

Emil : We'll do decorations again?

Sam : If we have any. We on lockdown remember.

Loui : great! next thing we know we're gonna use toilet paper-

Conn : AnYWAY. We got that all covered. We just need a plan of action so that Frosts wakes up NOT in the house.

Everyone : hm.

-The next morning-

Frost, waking up with a eyemask on : the fuck...? *tries to reach for alarm clock but* yo what the fuck..? Ann?

Frost, getting up and reaching for the front door : why am I outside the apartment? *opens the door while removing the eye mask* Dudes its so cold inside I-

Loui : HAPPY BIRTH BITCH *Pops open a champagne bottle cuz why not*

Ann, with the cake : Happy birthday twiiiiin *whispers* take the cake its melting help-

Sam, with those party blower thingies : Youre getting older :)

Conn, on the fridge blasting 420 songs : Happy 420 birthday bro

Vio : Are you oka-

Conn : I see literal, pink fairies. Everywhere. And shit. Man you should try smo-

Vio : Did you actually smoke weed?

Dreiah, eating ice cream : Wait guys the surprise-

Emil, with the obligatory first spray of silly string : Happy birthday bro

Frost, ready for silly stringed death : thanks bro.

-Later, and after 3 uno matches and alot of white and blue silly string-

Frost : Okay okay but seriously, how did I end up outside without waking up?

Loui and Conn and Emil : Well....


Conn, bumping into a chair : ...*very quietly* shiiiiiiit my foot.

Loui, carrying the matress : Shh! They're gonna wake up!

Emil : we're almost there go na bilis..!

Conn : But my foot-

Loui : youre fucking foot can wait this comes first!

Conn : Okay jeez calm down

*the three succesfully brought Frost out*

Emil, trying to get the eye mask on : ....

Loui : Careful...

Conn : and then she wakes up, ahaha-

Frost : hmmmn *moves alittle* ...

Emil : ,,,,

Loui : ,,,

Conn : ,,,yeah i-

Loui : shut the fuck up.


Conn : ...Magic ;)

Frost : Dramatic, nice. Also, my gift if any *dramatic laughter, you know the one*

Vio : You'll owe me for this

Frost : No I wont- *Hahaha holy shit its a necklace with a halo* Aw bitch. Look. at. that. Sis put on me.

Ann : Aight lemme just *fasteneds the shit* aihht happy birthday bitch

Sam, talking to Loui and Dreiah about quantum physics  : -SO BASICALLY RELATIVITY IS-

istg i forgot this app existed.

Anyway, happy birfday Frostmana393 sorry I forgot.

Also yeah if this vhapter sounds weird. I wrote this after watching waaaaaaay too many documentaries. So my mind is fried atm.

But yeah time to vanish again yeet-

edit :
ill edit this edit later.


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