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I have never been to walmart, tbch

Ann, cheking the cabinets and fridge : ...Guys who ate all the food?

Frost, chips in hand : Not me

Connorr, eating another cup of ice cream : Or me

Vio : It was them

Connorr :  :,)))))

Frost : Can you blame us?! We're hungry bitch!

Ann : Yeah but I spent a good amount of money on groceries, and I'm not resorting to coupons again

Connorr : ...Sooooo?

Ann : So, since you two ate the last of everything, you'll be helping me do the groceries today

Frost : I'm in.

Vio : Excited much?

Frost : Hoe, anything that has to do with food and K-pop has auto-matically counted me in

Connorr : I'm down. I wanna buy more diabetes

Ann : Righty! I'll start up the car, while you two clean up this mess *leaves*

Connorr : ...Vio can you clean this up for us-

Vio : No.

-At walmart-

Connorr : Why Walmart? Don't we buy shit at target or somethin?

Ann : It's cheaper here. Now lets go

Frost : I'm not payin, right?

Ann : Hah, bitch what do I look like? A money tree?


Ann, pushing the cart : I got the-

Frost : I CALL DIBS! *Jumps in the cart*

Connorr : FUCK!

Ann, slapping Conn behind the head :
You guys better quiet down or we're not getting anything 💢💢💢

Connorr : But why'd you slap me and not the baby in the cart?

Frost : Hey!


Ann : These look good, hey Conn bring the cart here- ...Wheres the cart?

Frost, riding the cart : WHEEEE!

Connorr, manuvering : SUB TO PEWDIEPIE!



Ann : Thats cereal and veggies, so all we need is snacks and milk. Can you guys get me those?

Frost : Can do bitch!

Connorr : Same here.

Ann : Alright! Finally, now get going!

-the two leave-

Ann : *sigh* Finally, peace and quiet.


Ann : I spoke too soon.


Ann : I'm never taking you two grocery shopping

Frost and Conn, getting out of a police car : We love you mom!

Walmart is weird.


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