Borfday but with men

41 3 15

Happy borfdae to red bitch, aka : Dreamy-Viollets. Yer still a dude in this.

-the day before-

*everyones called to the dinner table*

Loui : tf is this for?

Dreiah : yeah, I got a show to catch. And why so late in the afternoon?

Sam : Is that show, mayhaps... Master Chef or Bake offs?

Dreiah : ...*under his breath* howdyouknow-

Frost, Slamming both hands on the table : ALRIGHT M EN, listen up. Now you may or may not know why I brought all of you here-

Loui : not all of us are here tho-

Frost : ,,, m o s t, of you are here to discuss something that will happen tomorrow. And that is *points to white board held up by Emil*

Dreiah, squinting her eyes at tge small handwriting : ...Birfdae unpreparednuss..?

Conn : I wrote that!

Sam : wait what? Birthday?

Ann : Aight whose paying for this birth tho-

Frost : There is only one thing worse that unpreparedness *rips a paper off* Boom.

Conn : a Vio.

Emil : No-

Frost : Basically its her birthday tomorrow, so we have to make the best party this tiny apartment can handle.

Loui : ...Why????

Sam : Why not have a normal, we- wont-get-evicted-by-doing-this, party?

Ann : She owns this apartment building we can whatever we want bro.

Dreiah : Why didnt we prepare for this sooner? (Will there be sushi?-)

Frost : All questions aside, we need a volunteer...Cus yknow Covid is a bItch and we need someone to get atleast the cake.

Conn : Does the person who goes out get to put the b-day message?

Frost : I mean...Its only fair.

Conn, slamming his hand on the table : *low voice* I'm in.

Ann : What the fuck did the table ever do to you guys-

Emil : Wear red tomorrow guys.

Sam : Red it is. Lemme guess, the cake is red velvet cake? or-

Loui : Its gotta be red velvet.

Frost : That settles it then. Conn gets the cake, Emil and Dreiah do the birthday breakfast and the rest helps wrap the gift we got.

Ann : They grow up so fast...

Conn, in a plague mask and black coat : yA-YE E T

-the next morning-



12:00 AM

Vio, sleeping :

Frost, Conn and Loui with air horns and silly string : HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIIIITCH *aggressive air horning and silly string is everywhere*

Emil, carrying the cake : youre still a dude

Ann, videoing the whole thing parent style : Youre getting older!

Dreiah and Sam, playing happy birthday but its alvin and the chipmunks : ...

Dreiah, clapping : (its too early)

Sam, also clapping : (It is)

Emil : open the cake box

Vio, sleepily opening the cake box and reading the cake message : well :) ... you've...aged....bitch...

Conn : Ayeee I risked my life for your birthday ass *proceeds to sneeze*

Frost, with a huge wrapped box : and I got you your preseeent!

Dreiah : Oh my-

Vio : For fucks sake thats

Loui : Pfft big.

-3 hours later-

Ann : Time check its already 3 am and we're on our last wrap layer.

Vio, unwraping an EXO signed Album : ...Bruh what the fuck how- BRUH-

Everyone, tired and sleepy : Oh thank god.

Frost : yer welcome UwU

Conn, tired : yOu mAke Me feEl speCiAaAl

Sam, eating the cake : the...the cake is blue velvet inside...

Dreiah : ZzzzZzz...

Emil : Can we sleep yet -


happy borf UvU


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