
34 1 7

This is gonna be kinda related to the next vine chapter so-

The bitch squad:
Frost, Conn, Vio

The 'Gets drunk on a tuesday night and regrets nothing' Squad:
Conn, Loui, Frost

Will kill for attention:
Conn & Frost

Will kill out of anger:
Vio, Ann, Emil

'I didnt mean kill to them!':

'Instant noodles, powdered coffee, and wifi signal is all I need in life':
Vio, Ann, Loui

'Dont let them anywhere near the kitchen they will burn the house down':
Conn, Frost (L0uiz3ismeh and Frostmana393, ya'll better fuckn prove ya'll can cook with sum evidence-)

Probably a dumbass :
Frost, Emil, Ann

Isn't a dumbass :
Vio, Frost

Is the literal embodiment of a dumbass :
Loui, Conn, Emil (In a sense)

K thats all for now cheerio


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