Anime tropes

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An early halloween chap

featuring the idiot squad :D

Conn : Guys what're we gonna dress up as for hallows-eve?

Loui : Idk

Emil : I mean, the others are out buying, fucken trick or treat candies

Conn : Theeeeey are deffinately gonna eat those and not give any

Loui : *laying upside down on a beanbag chair while slowly falling off* hMmmM...

Conn : *spinning around on an office chair while eating honey butter chips* HmMMMm......

Emil : *dangling off the sude of the bunk bed* H m m m m m.........

Loui :

Conn :

Emil :

Loui, falling off the beanbag : *gASp* I GOT IT!

Emil : Got what?

Loui : Okay okay okay...Hear me out... Anime

Conn : I like where this is going ;3

Emil : Interesting. I'm in.

Loui : I call Omarou-chan!

Emil : Yan-chan, so I can use an actual kitchen knife.

Conn : Can I be sans?

Loui : He's not an anime character

Conn : Awwwww...Okay I'll be uuuhh...

Emil : Why not...707? Or Yoosung?

Conn : . . . you know that aint half bad.

Loui : Yeeeeeeee! we get to do this!

Emil : K n i f u e e n d s l i f u e (HaY Im JaY frOm tHe kUbZ sCoUts)


The trio : *Chaotic celebration*



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