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I opened my eyes, shying away from the blinding white light shining in my face. 'Welcome back, Miss Forbes,' Amanda said. I tried to lift my arms, but they had bound my wrists using leather straps, securing me to the bed. My ankles were also tied, with another strap locked across my abdomen, holding me down. I groaned in protest, shaking my arms to try and escape from my binds. My head was aching, a faint buzz still ringing in my ears from when those men knocked me out.

            'Where am I?' I asked, keeping my voice surprisingly level.

            'CyberLife's assembly plant. Our main base was compromised by rioters, forcing us to change location. So, don't count on Connor coming to your rescue. I doubt he's even aware this base exists.'

            I glared at her. 'I didn't count on it anyway.'

            Knowing Connor, he would do exactly as Amanda anticipated: he would find me, no matter the cost, and that's what terrified me the most. Not the threat of being tortured for information, but the fact that Connor would gladly sacrifice himself to protect me.

            It's bizarre to think that a few months ago, he was willing to chase me across an active highway in order to detain me. Now, he was willing to lay down his own life to save me.

            The room smelt strongly of cleaning chemicals and detergent; the kind of clinical smell hospitals have. It was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. I hated hospitals. After the accident that killed my parents, whenever I got an injury—whether it be serious or non-lethal—I refused to see a doctor, much less set one foot inside a hospital.

            Looking around, I noticed that I was in some sort of temporary room, as if they had just put it together for my sake. I couldn't move. I had been rendered completely motionless. My head was starting to spin. Everywhere looked the same. Bare white walls, polished granite floors. The only pop of colour in the entire space was a single potted flower. A purple Lillie placed on the table beside me, alongside a lamp and notebook.

            'How long have I been here?'

            Amanda travelled further into the room, leaving the entryway. 'An hour, at most. We couldn't question you because you were unconscious.' Her heels clicked along the flooring, echoing around the room. 'Now that you're finally awake, if you would just cooperate and give us the information we need, we'll gladly send you on your way.'

            I frowned. 'What information?'

            Even if I had any clue as to what she was talking about, it's not like CyberLife would actually let me go. I'm as much a prisoner as their Androids are. And, as soon as they get the information they need, they won't hesitate to dispose of me.

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