You Surprise Him During A Concert

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Michael: Just two songs into the concert you were all giddy backstage as you had successfully slipped around your boyfriend all day in your effort to surprise him with some news you had, and you were going to tell him while he was on stage. The second song finished and you walked out and the crowd cheered louder and when the boys turned around to find the source of the noise, you were there. All of their faces were full of shock, but Michael’s face did it in for you. He was shocked, happy, surprised, just a whirl of emotions were passing through him at the moment and you loved that you were the cause of it. “(YN)!” he said and you nodded, holding up the microphone you had been given. “Yes?” “What are you doing here?” You smirked. “I have something that i need to say and here, it seems to be quite the place to do it.” “What is it?” He asked and you got up and close with him, smirking. “A few of the fans figured it out and agreed to keep it a secret for now, but i can’t keep it a secret anymore.” “What is it?” He was ancy and you giggled, grabbing his hand and putting it on your stomach. “I’m pregnant Michael.”

Calum: “This is our very first headlining tour and it’s an incredible one so far.” He began speaking into the microphone. “An amazing year for sure. First headlining tour, uh, i got engaged a couple weeks ago.” Fans screamed at that and Calum grinned. “Yeah, made me happy too. This next song is actually a song i wrote for her. When people normally write songs for someone they love, it’s normally a love song, but, i didn’t really do that for her. She’s something special to me and i had to write her a song that was unexpected yet still was for her, and this is what i came up with.” Mrs All American began playing and when it finished Calum was out of breath and had a smirk on his face. “Amazing right?” “She must’ve been so proud when she first heard that.” Michael said and Calum nodded. “She was, she was more excited about it though.” “Where is your Mrs All American now?” Ashton asked and Calum’s smile faltered a little. “Mrs All American is actually in Sydney at the moment, spending time with my family, getting to know them.” “No i’m not.” He heard loudly and he turned around and you stood behind Ashton who was all grins right now. “Mrs All American came back home to support her man!”

Luke: “Daddy!” your 16 month old son, Mason, said pointing out to where Luke and the other boys were on stage, rocking out on their guitars and drums and having a great time. “Daddy!” he repeated and you laughed. “Yeah, that’s daddy, do you want to see him?” Mason started to wiggle around in your arms and with the help of some security guards you walked out on stage with Mason on your hip and the crowd got louder. The boys thought that they were just really excited for the song until you passed by Ashton, putting a finger to your lips to keep him quiet and you finished walking out to Luke and Mason poked him with his stubby fingers. Luke broke off mid lyric and turned to see you and your son standing right there in front of him. Mason saw his father and clapped his hands, reaching out for him to pick him up as it had been a while since Mason last saw Luke and you were more then happy to let the reunion happen live on stage. He faced the crowd with his son on his hip. “I wasn’t expecting this.” He smiled at his son and then back at you. “I can’t tell you how much i missed these guys, they’re my life.” He put the microphone to Mason’s lips. “Tell them hi?” Mason giggled. “Hi!” You swore half of the fans almos passed out due to the cuteness of your son.

Ashton: “You guys are so loud!” Ashton said from behind the drums as he smiled out at the crowd. “You guys are amazing. This is also my fiance, (YN)’s, hometown, so it’s good to be here but sadly she’s not here tonight.” “What, did you guys switch places or something?” Michael asked and Ashton nodded. “Yeah, pretty much. I’m here in her hometown and she’s in mine. It’s all good though.” They played a few more songs before they came to their last song of the night. “We’ve got one more song in us, think you guys can handle one more song from us?” Luke asked the crowd. The crowd of course screamed loud and when they finished, they started their goodbyes for the night. “Well, we know now where (YN) gets her loudness from.” Calum said and Ashton threw a drumstick at him. “Hey, watch it.” “What it’s true!” “(YN)?” Ashton asked and you popped up from the front of the stage and stared back at your fiance. “Yeah, it’s me. You really thought i’d let you come back to my hometown, my homestate, without me? Not a chance.” Ashton shook his head. “You are something else.” You smirked back. “So are you, but hey, i still love you for some reason.”

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