Night Time Antics

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Michael: It was a struggle to get him to come to bed sometimes, mostly because now that he was home, he was obsessed with playing his video games. Of course, he loved to cuddle you and hold you, but he never came to bed earlier than four in the morning, and because you had school, well, that was a very short amount of time of cuddling. And after a particularly rough day, chill seeping into your bones and feeling over-all icky, all you wanted was to crawl into his arms and disappear between the sheets for a little while. As if he knew, the clock beamed eleven o’clock when he shut the computer off and padded his way down the hallway to your bedroom where you lay curled up on his side of the bed. He pulled off his jeans and t-shirt before joining, extreme fondness and satisfaction taking over his chest at the way you completely melted back into him as he tucked an arm under you and pulled the covers up higher. He pressed his lips to the back of your warm neck, holding you close before whispering, “I love you babe. Goodnight.”

Ashton: He was definitely an insomniac some nights, and even if he wasn’t up and about while you snoozed in your big shared bed, he was laid there bored out of his mind and unable to fall asleep. On a particularly sleepless, restless night where he was tossing and turning in the sheets, you placed a hand on his bare back to calm him. He was surprised to say the least, tensing before relaxing completely, huffing out a breath and pulling the pillow down into his arms to squeeze it tighter. “Can’t sleep.” He huffed, letting you move forward to smooth a hand down his muscular arms and across his shoulders, your lips pressing lightly between his shoulder blades, down the knots of his spine. “That’s okay, baby. You can get up if you need to, but I’ll cuddle you while you try to fall asleep if you stay.” You mumbled sleepily, pressing up against his back to take on the roll of the big spoon as your arms came around his waist and under his head. Very slowly, the tension was released from him in soft breaths until he whispered in the dark, “I’ll stay,” his arm coming down to cover your own, his fingers slotting between yours.

Luke: Nights with Luke were usually filled with late giggles and reflections of your days, maybe a little tv time, but you’d be wrapped up in each other until the moment you fell asleep. After all those nights of him being so, so far away, there was no way you two wouldn’t be completely enamored when he was home, making sure to let each other know how much you loved the other. And of course, Luke being Luke couldn’t let you sleep in the bed without cuddling him in some way, even if it was with your back to him, inches between the two of you with his arm slung across your hips, your legs intertwined. And as you settled down, you pressed your bare toes against his calf, giggling as he hissed before trapping your feet between his warm legs, such a contrast to your freezing toes. “Fuck, your feet are freezing.” He laughed, hauling your body closer and letting you snuggle back into him. “Yeah, but I sleep with a heater, so they’ll warm up eventually.” You said, giggling when he pressed his cold nose to the spot behind your ear, pecking your neck lightly. “Your nose is cold.” You whipered, and you felt his smile stretch against your skin as he buried his face in your hair. “Yeah, but I sleep with my baby girl, so I’ll be warm eventually.”

Calum: He was a pretty quiet guy when he was particularly tired or exhausted, so normally nights were spent with you tucked under his arm while he watched whatever he felt inclined to on the television. You had just come back from brushing your teeth to see him shirtless under the covers, right smack in the middle of the bed where he looked ready to nod off at any moment, looking as cuddly as ever. You smiled as you rounded the bed to your own side, pressing right up against his side where his arm was already lifted to accomodate you, your head dropping to rest on his shoulder, your arm across his stomach. He sighed contentedly, a hand coming up to run through your hair before resting at the small of your back as he settled back. “Love you.” He mumbled, eyes still glued to the television, but you smiled. Having Cal back home was so much better than when you were separated on tour, and it made nights so much easier for the both of you. He fell asleep much easier knowing you were with him, and you fell asleep knowing you were safe. And even if he normally fell asleep without a ‘goodnight’, you were happy to know he was right beside you as you shut off the lights and laid down with him.

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