Overhearing his private conversation

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Luke: You were currently staying over at your best friend Luke’s house for another one of his famous sleepovers that you two decided to do every Friday. You had just stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in your usual PJ’s, sweats and a tee shirt when you heard sounds coming from the living room. Carefully, and as quietly as you could manage you crept down the stairs hoping to catch Luke in an act of doing something or confessing something embarrassing. “I just don’t know how to tell her that I love her, Mikey,” Luke sighed, his hand gripped tightly on his phone. Your heart fell at the thought of another girl has captured Luke’s heart. You leaned into the open door frame hoping to catch this mystery girl’s name, when Luke answered Mikey. “What do you mean ‘just tell [Y/N]? I can’t just tell her! She’ll reject me!” he exclaimed, shaking his head at Michael’s suggestion. Your heart continued to hammer in your chest, as you struggled to process that Luke liked you back, wait,scratch that. He loved you back. “I wish I could grow a pair and ask her out but, she’s the girl, Mikey. I just can’t do that. Look, I’ll call you back later, she’ll be coming down soon,” Luke sighed ending the call just as you walked into the room. His expression showed panic but, you just smiled. “So, what movie do you wanna see? Mean Girls or The Notebook?” you ask holding up the movies, that little secret smile never leaving your mouth the whole night.

Ashton: “Ash, have you seen the Ouija Board?” you call from the the staircase upwards. You get no response as you grumble making your way up the stairs. Currently, the boys were over at your house for a game night, well, it’s supposed to be a game night anyways. Currently, Luke and Michael were playing FIFA on your television while Calum and Ashton were no where to be seen. You climb up the stairs hoping the Ouija Board was inside the hallway closet. As you reached the top of the steps, you saw a light coming from your room, the door closed and locked. “She’s unlike any girl I’ve ever met before,” Ashton’s voice marveled from behind the door. You crept closer, hoping to at least catch the ending of his conversation. “Well, that’s great Ash. Do you think you’ve finally found the one?” “I’m positive, [Y/N] is definitely the one.” You silently screamed, finally your first crush on a boy that might end up like Prince Charming and Cinderella. Straightening out your posture, you stood knocking on the door. The room turned silent as footsteps approached the door, as it opened you saw an alarmed Ashton as well as Calum. “So who’s ready to summon some spirits?” you laughed, grabbing Ash’s hand, much to his delight and saunter down the stairs.

Michael: Everyday of school seemed to be as boring as ever, every time you walked the same barren halls and into the crowded classrooms as the same teacher droned on and on about a topic you may never use in life. It was right after lunch and the halls were swarming with students, most in a rush to arrive to class before the bell rings. You just sighed walking up to your locker and taking out the books you needed for next period; English. The bell cut through your thoughts as late students scrambled into their classes. You were just about to turn the corner when you overheard a few voices talking in the hall. “Geez, Michael. I get it already, you’ve told me a million times about how much you love [Y/N]. All of the boys get it, alright? You don’t have to keep repeating yourself,” Luke’s laugh echoing throughout the deserted hall. “I can’t help it, Hemmings. [Y/N] is just, god, perfect. She’s just so perfect, I can’t even explain how infatuated I am with her,” Michael sighed. You squealed, hoping that you didn’t blow your cover from behind the row of lockers. You strut around the corner, giving the boys a warning smile. “Aren’t you two late to class?” you ask, watching in amusement as Michael’s cheek turn pink.

Calum: Public restrooms were always the worst, especially the one at Nando’s. The ladies room had wet as well as slippery floors, paper towels tossed across the dirty tiled floors. You quickly wiped the last of the water off your hands with a paper towel and tossed it in the garbage bag, like a respectable person would’ve done, and quickly exited the odorous bathroom. You were currently eating here with your four best friends, Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum. You walked through the sea of waitresses and waiters, back to the enormous booth where the guys looked like they were deep in conversation. “So, when are you going to ask, [Y/N] out? Because, if you don’t hurry, I’ll probably beat you to it,” Michael chimed, laughing as Calum’s face turned beat red. “Oh come on Cal, how long have you liked her and you still haven’t asked her out yet. Come on, just ask [Y/N] when she comes back from the bathroom,” Ashton suggested, patting Calum apologetically on the back. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Calum actually liked you more than a friend? You were surprised, you always did like him better. You approach the table, all the boys putting on their poker face as you slide into the seat next to Calum. “So, what did I miss?” you ask, smiling.

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