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Ashton: You stayed up all night waiting for him to come home, he had been away on tour for too long without you being able to see him, you missed him. Tonight was the night that he was coming home and after so many sleepless nights without him, you weren’t going to bed without him knowing he was to be home at any minute. You glanced at the time on your phone and the anticipation was starting to build up louder inside you and when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, Ashton came through the door and you jumped right into his arms. “Hey,” he laughed. “I thought you’d be asleep right now.” You shook your head as you clung to him. “No, but now that you’re home, we can sleep together okay?” He nodded and brought you up the stairs. “Close your eyes, (YN), i’ll be here in the morning, you don’t have to worry anymore. Just sleep.”

Luke: “Just sleep baby, sleep.” you begged your crying newborn son, but he wasn’t listening even after you tried to feed him, change him, love him, nothing was working and you were losing control. You were beginning to cry when Luke wrapped his arms around you. “It’s okay, (YN), i’ll take him. You go up to bed and sleep, alright? I got him, he’s alright with me.” You sniffled as Luke grabbed your baby boy from you and sent you off to bed. As you climbed up the stairs, you heard Luke singing softly to your son. “Sleep in heavenly peace’ He sang and you hurried up the stairs. Then when you rested your head on your pillow, sleep found you immediately and you felt warm with the comfort that Luke had your son calm and asleep.

Calum: “Calum? Are you still awake?” you shook him and he grumbled, opening his eyes up. “(YN), what could you possibly be going on about now?” You sighed and rested your head on your hand. “I can’t sleep, Calum.” “Well i was, very peacefully i might add.” He tried to roll over away from you but you rolled him back. “Oh, no no no, Calum. You’ve got to stay awake with me now until i can sleep.” “Why do i have to do that?” He spoke with his eyes shut and you knew he was going to fall back to sleep at any second. “Sing to me?” His eyes stayed shut and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, holding you close to him and started humming a song. “What song is that?” you ask and he shrugs. “I don’t know, hopefully a song that will get you to sleep and let me go back to sleep.”

Michael: “Michael!” you screamed and he just continued to lie in bed, bringing the covers up and over his head, snuggling further into the nice warm bed the two of you shared. “Michael! Wake up!” “No, i like sleep!” “I like it too, but you’ve got to be awake and go to the studio in ten minutes! You’ve already slept in too late! Wake up!” you shook him and he finally had enough and ripped the covers off of him and grabbing you and pulling you on top of him, then covering the two of you back up with his blankets, surrounding the two of you with darkness. “Michael, you have to be at the studio, why do you have to be such a problem child?” He laughed. “I just really don’t want to go, i want to stay here and sleep next to you, or with you, whichever you prefer.” You slapped him playfully. “Michael!” He just laughed and threw the covers off. “Fine, fine, i’m going. But you owe me!” He shouted over his shoulder and you snuggled back on his side of the bed. “Whatever you say.”

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