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Ashton: Ash would always call you some variation of love. You made him happier than anyone on the planet, so calling you “Lovey” or “My love” was his way of reminding you all the time that his heart was beating only for you. He’d say things like, “I missed you, My Love,” or “Come here, Lovey. How was your day?” and you felt more and more special each time he reminded you just how in love with you he was. 

Michael: You and Michael had one of those relationships were you happily joked about every single thing. As a result, he would usually refer to you as something along the lines of Dipwad, but it was fine because you would say the same things right back. Like if Michael laugh and say, “You lost the remote, Dipwad,” you’d immediately smile and respond, “Actually you had it last, Idiot.” And an outsider would think that you two actually hated each other, but you both knew sass was a key part of your relationship, and that you loved each other very much. 

Calum: Calum Thomas Hood would like to be very affectionate, but also very embarrassing. To make those two things go hand in hand, he would always call you something mushy like Babycakes. It didn’t matter who he was in front of, whether it be just you two, or the boys, or fans, or even your parents, Calum would say “I love you, Babycakes.” Or “You look amazing, Princess,” because everyone who knew you two knew that Calum was hopelessly and uncontrollably in love with you, and this was his way of showing it. Also, the mushy names embarrassed you a lot, which was a plus. 

Luke: Luke would just keep it simple. Babe, Baby, Beautiful, anything along those lines would suffice. He would like to keep the really intimate moments for just the two of you, so saying something like, “Babe, the boys and are I going for food. Wanna go?” would be really great for him because he would be able to refer to you in a special way without bringing too much attention to your relationship no matter who was in the room. He could even use these nicknames in front of fans. “Hey, Beautiful. I want you to meet some cool people.” 

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