Little Things

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"You’re perfect to me."

"Argh!" You tell in frustration, throwing another pair of jeans to the side. This is the third pair that you can’t seem to fit into, although they seemed to fit the other day. Giving up, you search for something else to wear. Ashton walks in just as you put on another pair of jeans, before throwing them to the side. "What’s wrong Y/N?" He asked, picking up the discarded jeans. "I don’t fit into anything!" You reply, collapsing on the bed. Ashton sits on the bed next to you. "Who cares what the tag says or what anyone else says, you’re perfect to me," He says, smiling. Lifting your head from your hands, you look at him. "Really?" You ask, unsure. "I promise," He replies, kissing you and taking away all your insecurities. 


"But I’ll love them endlessly."

You were getting ready for your date night with Calum, who was waiting downstairs. “I’ll be down in a couple of minutes,” You yell down to Calum. Reaching for your make up bag, you feel that it is almost weightless. Opening it, you see that almost all your make up is gone; only eyeliner and lipstick is in the bag. “Calum!” You yell, storming out of the bathroom. Running down the stairs, you see Calum has something behind his back. “Hand them over,” You simply say, holding your hand out. “But Y/N, why do you need all of this? You’re perfect without this junk,” He says, waving them in the air. “No I’m not, otherwise why would I have them?” You ask, still waiting for your makeup. “Yes you are. And you’re not having them back. You’re not wearing any makeup tonight,” Calum replies, running past you with your makeup. “You’re buying dinner then!” You reply, chasing him. “Deal!” He says, poking his head out from your door. He catches you in a bone crushing hug before whispering, “I love you.”


"You’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape."

The boys were over for pizza and a few games, but first they thought it would be a good idea to watch some videos from their recent tour. As soon as Michael hits play, you hear your voice blaring from the speakers. Covering your ears, you ask Michael to turn it off. “Why?” He questions, pausing the TV. “I hate the way my voice sounds on tape, I sound like a squirrel,” You reply, uncovering your ears. “No you don’t, you sound adorable,” Luke says, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you onto his lap. “No, I really don’t,” You reply, playing with your hands. He puts his hands over yours. “Yes you do,” He simply replies, kissing you and silencing you. “Ugh, get a room!” Calum yells, throwing a pillow at you, causing you all to laugh.


“You’ll never love yourself half as much as I love you.”

Walking downstairs for breakfast, you realize that you had absolutely no make up. Although Michael has seen you like this, you hated the way you looked. Running back upstairs, you crash into Michael, sending you both to the floor. “Woah Y/N, what’s the rush?” He asks, helping you up. “Don’t look at me!” You reply, covering your face with your hands. Michael gently removes your hands. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asks again. “I don’t like the way I look without makeup…” You mumble, looking at the floor. He lifts your chin up with his finger. “You’re beautiful, okay? Without all the makeup,” He says, kissing you. You simply nod in reply, heading back downstairs.

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