Reform School -Good Girls- Part 1

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Calum: “Up!” The lights clicked on all throughout the compound and you cracked your eyes open. Today was your first day at this place and so far your stay had been less than pleasant. “I said up!” you heard a voice demand and then a baton tapping strongly against the metal doors. That stood you up and you looked around frantically and heard a laugh. “Relax newbie. Just put the assigned clothes on, follow me and i’ll keep you alive in this place. For getting yourself in here, you seem like a wuss.” She said and you glared at her. “I’m not a wuss, just not used to this. When i get used to it, you’ll get to know me as the bitch i am.” She chuckled and got dressed herself. “I’m looking forward to that. You are?” “(YN).” She nodded, tsking away before throwing your clothes at you. “I’m Elsa.” You laughed. “Well, Miss. Queen, what do we do after we get dressed?” The door opened and a guard stood at the doorway, tall and muscular and incredibly good looking. “Let’s go ladies, don’t want your cold breakfast to get colder do we?” You two followed him out and she smirked. “As my loyal subject i shall introduce you to Guard number one. His name is Calum, he’s not like the others.” “How do you know?” you asked and she only gave you a wink. “You’ll see, trust me.”

Ashton: You sat in your room, all alone as your last companion somehow managed to trick everyone and get herself out of here, and when you tried to call her out on it they accused you of being a terrible liar and sentenced you to an extra term at the school. Some school, it was more like a prison. The most military like reform school for Good Girls that the world has ever heard of and you luckily found yourself as their number one most troubled girl in the school. “(YLN), psych session, let’s go.” The door to your room opened and just like a prison, they put cuffs around your wrists. “For them wanting us to prove ourselves as good girls, they sure make us feel like prisoners.” You say to your guard who only gives a short laugh in response. “I don’t make the rules.” “Yeah, i know. That Irwin guy does apparently.” “Have you met him?” “Nope. He hates me though, it’s why i’m at the top of his list for troubled girls.” “Have you tried to better yourself so he can see that?” “No, why.” He stopped your walking and turned you to look at him. “Because, he is me.” “You?” you ask and he smirked, pushing you forward again. “Yeah, looks can be deceiving can’t they?”

Michael: The bell rung and you swung your legs over the side of your cot. What they called a room for you to sleep in, you very observantly called it a cell, it’s what it was. Brick walls, cement floors both a dull gray color. This was your everyday life though, wake up with alarms and go to class where you’d be stuck all day, with the exeption of lunch. “(YN) (YLN).” you say into a receiver and another buzz sound goes off and you enter your classroom where you gave your daily fingerprint. “New teacher.” you heard your friend Jess say. “Lucky us.” you mutter and kick back in your seat, propping your feet on your desk only to have them knocked away a split second later. When your boot clad feet touched the ground again you looked up to see who the boot attacker was. “Yeah, you are lucky. I’m Michael, you’re new instructor. I would say you’re in for a treat, but i’d be lying. You’re in for a reality check, get ready, it’s not going to be pleasant.” He walked away and you glared at Jess. “Great, another asshole to hate.” Michael seemed to hear you. “(YN), this place is already a lifetime detention, do you really want a worse punishment.” You scoffed. “Hearing you talk is punishment enough.” Michael didn’t seem pleased with that. “Yeah, you’re going to be a fun one, i can tell.”

Luke: “We got a new one to get rid of, (YN).” Your friend Amy told you and you turned your gaze away from the terrible excuse of a meal to see what she was going on about. “He’s young.” you note referring to the guard who was trailing behind two of the older more experienced and strict guards. “He won’t last a week.” you huff and go back to your somewhat food. “They’re coming this way.” “Why do they always come our way?” you throw your fork down. “You do something stupid?” She asked, mouth full of something and you scoff and flip her the bird. “No, don’t be stupid and think i did something stupid this time. It’s not always me you know.” She laughed as the guards with the new one in tow reached your table. “(YN), Amy. This here is the newest guard. His name is Luke.” Both you and Amy smirked. “Not even a week.” you comment and the Luke one tensed up. “He’ll be gone.” The older guard put a finger in your face. “Not this time you two. He may be young and look like you’ll be able to run all over him, but you’ll be surprised with this one.” Luke stood up and crossed his arms, suddenly looking slightly frightening. “Tomorrow, the fun begins ladies.”

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