Reform School -Good Girls- Part 3

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Calum: Slowly you made your way to Calum’s office right behind him. He opened the door and shoved you into a nearby seat before taking one of his own. “Your mouth is going to get you into more trouble than you know, (YN), and to think that today is only your first day here.” He laughed. “This is definitely going to be interesting. Why are you even here in the first place?” You shrugged. “You have my records, you should know that or is my record one you haven’t gotten to yet?” you ask leaning forward ever so slightly grinning wickedly from ear to ear, laughing before falling back into your seat. Calum smiled ever so slightly and was gone before you could even see it. “Charming, (YN), very charming. It’s best to just answer my questions and you can get out of here sooner and less detention with me you have to have.” You sat up again, pointing around. “Oh, this is Detention? I thought this was a comedy special treat before the detention. You sure know how to punish students here, don’t you?” He stood up and leaned against his desk, head in his hands. “(YN), what. Are you. In here. For?” He asked one last time and you sighed, deciding you’d joked around too much and got serious. “My family abandoned me and i had no choice but to steal to live. My family leaving me, turned me into a criminal. Are you happy that you finally got your answer, Calum?” He only nodded. “Detention’s over. Looks like you have time to finish your classes. Have fun.”

Ashton: Your psych sessions were put to an immediate halt at Ashton’s orders. You were now to have one on one sessions with him in his office each and every morning and night and whenever else he felt appropriate to have the sessions. “You have one hour to start, (YN), we’re going to try and get to the bottom of this so you can return to a normal life sooner rather than later.” “Nothing will be normal after this.” You say and sniffle into the sweater paw you’d made with your jacket. Ashton sat across from you. “Start talking and i’ll start listening.” And for the first time since you’d arrived at the school, it looked like someone actually was going to let you explain your side of things. “What truly made it so you arrived here at my school?” “Too much all at once.” You began and the thoughts of your past came back to you. “My mom left us right after i was born. My dad did what he had to to take care of me and my sister and brothers. Four kids for one parent, one being a newborn, my dad didn’t know what to do. So, my siblings basically raised me. Like they knew how to raise a baby.” You sniffle again and look at Ashton to see that true to his word, he was listening to everything you say. “Let’s just say that after a while, just like my mom and dad, Ashton, my siblings got tired of me as well and stopped looking after me too. I was on my own at too young of an age. No one told me yes or no, what was right or wrong. I did what felt right, little did i know just how wrong what i was doing was.” “Do you wish you could take it back?” He asked quietly and you shook your head and wiped a tear from you eye. “I don’t know, it’s all i’ve ever known, it’s become me.”

Michael: Michael’s harsh words continued to pound into your head as you lay in bed that night. After tossing back and forth you finally sat up in your bed and turned on your side lamp. “Giving up on sleep already?” Jess asked sitting up across from you and you nod. “Yeah.” “What’s up, normally you fall asleep like a brick as soon as you lay down. Something got you today, was it detention with the Clifford guy?” “Yeah.” “What’d he do?” “More like what he said. He somehow found out about how i got here, how long i’ve been here and he used that against me. Told me i was cruel and sickening. He actually said those words to me, Jess.” “Want to know something weird.” Jess said totally ignoring what you had just said and you threw your hands in the air thinking whatever. “Never in all the time that we’ve been here together, has something someone said gotten to you before tonight. He got to you, (YN).” So maybe she was listening. “There’s something about him that’s got you letting your walls down.” You rested your head against the wall. “I’ve never wanted to leave this place more than tonight.” Then an idea came to you. “Hey Jess?” She looked up. “What?” You smirk and point towards the window. “We need to get out of here, wanna leave with me?”

Luke: Of course you were late to your next class and who else would be the teacher besides Luke. “Thought he was a guard and just a guard?” you mumble to Amy as Luke gave you two a knowing smirk. “Why isn’t Smith teaching the class like normal?” you blurt out and Luke’s smirk got wider. “There was a sudden change in who should teach what class and this opportunity came up. I took it, now please if you will, you’re already late just take your seat, shut up and pay attention.” Amy nudged you as you were about to speak again and the two of you took your seats. “Got any plans yet?” She asked once you two were seated and you shook your head. “No, the early morning dip shoud’ve only encouraged my thoughts, but it didn’t and now we have an even bigger problem on our hands.” “That would be?” she drug on and you pointed to where Luke was teaching up front. “He’s teaching now on top of being a guard, this one’s gonna be tougher to crack. He’s also our age, this isn’t going to be as easy as i thought.” “(YN)! Amy! Detention again! Repeat of this morning on top of whatever else i come up with! After class, you two stay!” You and Amy shared a look. “Whatever you say Dickhead Hemmings.” you mock saluted him and he tensed up, anger building up inside of him. You were suddenly looking forward to Detention after class.

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