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"But I found my sweet escape when I’m alone with you."

It was just you and Ashton tonight, for the first time in what felt like forever. You were leaned up against him, popcorn in one hand and the remote in the other. You turn on the TV and start flicking through the channels. After about ten minutes of this, Ashton takes the remote from you. “I thought you wanted to watch something?” You asked confused. “I prefer it when it’s just us, no distractions, nothing,” He replies, smiling at you. You smile back as he turns off the TV. “So, what do you wanna talk about?” You ask, prepared to spend the whole night with just you and him.


“We’re so disconnected.”

Yours and Calum’s internet was down, so you had no TV, phone service, nothing. After numerous calls, Calum tells you that it won’t be up for another two hours or so. Sighing, you get up and look around the house, trying to find something to do. Looking through all the bookshelves, you find that you have nothing to read. Just as you’re about to give up hope, you feel a pair of arms around your waist. “What are we supposed to do?” You ask, turning around. “We could just talk ya know, it feels like forever since we’ve done that,” he replies. He leads you to the sofa, where you were happy to spend as long and possible just talking.


“Hands around my waist.”

It was another game night with the boys and you were getting ready to play monopoly. Everything was set up, and you were handing out the money. About an hour into the game, you knew that you were nearly broke. Just as you were about to roll, you felt arms wrap around your waist. Turning around, you see Luke smiling behind you. “Here,” he whispers, passing you a few hundreds. You smile, taking the money before continuing your turn. After making sure you were done, you lean back into his embrace, thanking him for saving you; you knew the boys would never let you live it down if you lost.


“I admit I’m a bit of a fool for playing by the rules.”

It was yours and Michael’s ten month anniversary and you completely forgot. Waking up in a panic, you quickly get ready to head out and try to find something for him. Opening your door, you find a bouquet of roses at your doorstep. Smiling to yourself, you pick them up. Just as your about to head back into the house, you hear a car pull up. Turning back around, you see Michael in the car, waving at you. Waving back, your secretly that you can find something for him before your dinner tonight. He stops the car and gets out. Face palming yourself, you walk towards him. “Listen, Michael, it’s not-.” You’re cut off by him kissing you. “I know you forgot, but I didn’t so it’s okay,” he says, smiling. You can complain, so you follow him back into the car, ready for the day ahead of you.

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