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Ashton: Making compromises with Ashton is something that is done easily because he always cooperates but it’s not easy to make him keep those kind of promises. Just like today. Ashton is back from tour and you clearly remember when he was in London and the two of you missed each other again to no end, he promised he will take you out for at least three days straight, just the two of you. It’s now the fifth day since he has been back and he still hasn’t taken you anywhere. You were understanding at the first few days when he was jetlagged and also the second, third and fourth day when he wanted to meet his family and friends again and have some time with his siblings. And even when his family insisted on you staying with them  you didn’t and went back home and missed Ashton even more then when he is not in Sydney because this time he was so close and yet you couldn’t meet him, just so he could be alone with his family, so he wouldn’t be distracted by you. Right now he is in the kitchen and doing some sit ups because he claims the floor is made perfectly for it. “Ashtoo-on,” you whine, dragging out the ‘o’. “Yes?” he pants, not even looking at you. “You promised me you’d take me out, remember?” “Yeah…just wait…a little,” he says in between of pants. “But I want to go now.” “Just a…little while babe.” “But I am bored and you promised,” you say firmly, knowing he won’t get up and take you out if you don’t stay persistent. Instead of answering, Ashton sits up and gets on his hand and feet, starting to do some push ups. At first you almost start a rant because he just chooses to ignore you but then you get an idea. You smile cheekily although he can’t see you and go over to him, sitting on his back. With a grunt he manages to not fall on his stomach and holds you up. “What are you doing?” he asks, turning his face towards you. “What about a bet?” you ask. “What?” “A bet, idiot. If you manage to do 30 push ups with me on your back I’ll stay quiet until you’re finished and that’s when we’ll go to our dates and when you don’t make it, we’ll go when I say.” “I can’t do 30,” he claims, sounding shocked. “You’re the drummer. Look at your biceps, how can you not do 30 push ups with me on your back? But since I am in a merciful mood you can do 20 but it’ll be four dates then.” “Okay,” Ashton agrees, starting his push ups. After his ninth push up you smirk when you notice his breathing getting heavier and his push ups slowing down, indicating that he is exhausted. “Don’t you want to give up? It’ll be better since you’re already loosing” you ask. “That’s because there is something really heavy on my back,” he retorts and you gasp. You put up your feet from the ground and sit criss cross on his back, making it even harder for him to do his push ups. After three more push ups, Ashton is too exhausted and falls flat on his stomach with a grunt. You laugh and chant how he lost and that he now has to take you to four dates. “That was no fair,” he mutters, face on the floor. “It is when you call me fat,” you retort and lay on his back. “I didn’t call you fat, I called you heavy.” “Same,” you pout. “I have an idea for our first date.” “What is it?” “A sports date.” “What? No! Ashton Fletcher Irwin!” “Relax,” he says giggling, “I’ll go and take a shower and then we can leave.” Ashton turns onto his back slowly so he won’t hurt you and pulls you onto him again. “I’ll wait. You’re totally sweaty and yucky.” “Good, you deserve that,” he says and rubs his sweaty jaw and forehead on you. “Ew! Ashton stop.” He giggles but lets go. “You can shower with me,” he suggests and you smack his chest. You stand up and usher him to the bathroom, waiting for him after you wash yourself. 

Michael: You are standing in front of your closet, looking for your sports attire because you want to got for a run. When you hear a noise behind you you turn around, seeing Michael standing in the doorframe. “Hey,” you say chirpy while turning to the closet again. “Hey. What are you doing?” he interrogates quickly. “Going for a run,” you answer and take out your sport attire, holding it up for him to put stress on your statement. “Can’t we have a lazy day?” he mumbles, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. You sigh deeply, contemplating whether or not you want that. You would love to give in and stay with Michael all day but you have a routine of going for a run every second day and you already have cancelled yesterday. “I’m sorry, I can’t cancel it again,” you explain, wanting to get out of Michael’s grip but he won’t let you. “Please?” he coos in your ear. You sigh deeply because you have a soft spot for pouting and begging Michael what of course almost always puts you in a dilemma. “I really have to keep up when I want to be in the team next season Michael,” you mutter. “You’ll be in the team don’t worry. You’re good.” “Yeah and so are others and that’s why I need to keep up.” “Pleeeeeeeeeeease,” Michael whines and you groan. “Okay, I will,” you give in. “Yeay,” Michael cheers quietly. “If,” you add and Michael listens attentively, “You come with me for the run then I will have the rest of the day a lazy day with you.” “What?” Michael gasps and you nod. “It can’t be that bad,” he says after a while and you cheer. After changing your clothes, you wait for Michael who comes down hesitantly and start jogging with him. At first he is quiet good at it and can also keep up with you but after a while you notice his too uneven breathing although he tries hard to hide it. You jog in intervals which is supposed to make it easier for starters but Michael still hates it and only does it because of you. After a while he is panting that heavily he gives up trying to hide it. “Why am I doing this again?” he asks in between of pants and you laugh. “Because you love me.” “Oh, remember me when we get back home to stop doing this. You’ll get me killed.” You smack his arm and agree to stop after forty minutes and Michael cheers. “Thank you, God. My prayers have been heard.” You shake your head at his over dramatic reaction and head back home where Michael immediately lets himself fall on the couch. After showering the two of you take a shower, you order pizza and have the lazy day you promised Michael while he starts complaining about his muscle slowly get more sore.

5 seconds of summer preferences 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora