TsukkiYama - Hidden Feelings

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Okay, this is my first one-shot I've ever done. If it sucks, I'm so sorry!!! Okay, now onto the story!

Yamaguchi's POV
Today was so stressful. It's December 12th and I'm in my first year of high school. We had so much homework! I mean, why do we have so much?!?! It's not fair! I guess I just have to ask Tsukki for help...
"Tsuki!" I yelled from across the gym.
"What is it?" He seemed more angered than usual. Maybe he just had a bad encounter with Kageyama and Hinata? I'm not so sure. I ran over to him.
"Can you help me with piecewise functions after school today? I still don't get it." He just nodded.
"Tsukishima-kun!" Hinata yelled. "Can you try to block my spikes?" He just walked over to Hinata. Something's strange about him. I'll just ask him when we're doing homework.

Tsukishima's POV
Sh*t. Sh*t. Every time I look at Yamaguchi, he looks even cuter. Why am I feeling this way? He's my childhood best friend! I should just stop thinking about stuff like this.
"Tsukishima! You didn't even jump at my spike! Pay attention!" Hinata was pouting.
"Oh, sorry." I heard Kageyama and Hinata both gasp in shock.
"Pst, Kageyama-kun. Tsukishima never apologizes. Do you think something's wrong?" Hinata 'whispered' to him. He's so stupid. They then talked for a little but and got into another argument. They argued until it was time to go home.
I was walking home with Yamaguchi.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something, Tsukki." My heart fluttered at the nickname he called me. He's called me that many times before, but this time seemed different.
"Sure, what is it?" I answered, still not looking at him.
"You've been acting strange lately. Is something wrong?" Of course something's wrong. I've been having strange feelings when I'm with you. I think I'm falling for you, my childhood friend. Of course I can't say that to him!
"Tsuki? Can you just tell me what's wrong?" His eyes shined like the stars in the night sky. They were perfect. He was perfect.
"Tsuki! Can you stop staring at me and answer me?" He was annoyed now and was making an adorable pouting face.
"Huh? Oh, I'm alright." Shoot. Why did I say that? Of course he's not going to believe me! Now he's gonna keep questioning me!
"Um... okay! Let's just go to you house and do our homework." Did he actually believe me?

Yamaguchi's POV
I don't believe Tsuki. Something must be really wrong if he's starting to lie to me in an obvious way. He probably does lie to me once in a while, but he never seems to show it and I believe him most of the time. This was just too obvious. Maybe he's sick? I'm not so sure. We arrive at his house and I walk inside. I go into his room and put my backpack down. I look around and notice a few changes from the last time I visited him. He took down a few posters and changed them which isn't that unusual. He does that a lot based on what he prefers. He seemed to have put away two pictures of us together. Why would he do that? He also had a new shelf filled with some more CDs and albums. They were mostly love songs. I saw 'Lucky' by Jason Mraz and 'I Fell In Love With My Best Friend' by Jason Chen. Hm. That was strange. I finally saw a picture of Tsukishima, but it was folded in half. I took the picture out of the picture frame and unfolded it. It was actually a picture of just the two of us, but he decided to get rid of me. Why would he do that? Was it because he didn't want to be my friend anymore? Was this why he's been acting strange? He just doesn't like me anymore? I then heard him walk into the room.
"Sorry I was gone, my mom wanted to talk to me for a second. Wait- Yamaguchi? Are you crying?" I didn't even notice, but I was.
"Tsuki... do you not like me anymore?" I said in-between sniffles.
"Are you going to leave me because you like a girl? Why did you take out any picture with me in it? Do you really hate me that much?" I was still crying. I then felt Tsuki's arm around me.
"No, it's not because I hate you. There's another reason why I did it." I looked up to see his face. It was comforting. He sighed and I felt my heart skip a beat.
"The reason I did it was because- I mean- it was-" He couldn't explain himself in the first time in- ever. It must be really difficult for him. I wonder what could be so hard for someone like him to explain.
"You know what? It'd be easier if I showed you." I moved my head to the side in a confused gesture, almost like a dog. He then leaned in closer to me. He was hesitant and stopped for maybe less than a second before closing the gap between us. Of course I was shocked, this is my childhood friend! The only person I trust! That's probably why I've been falling for him. I didn't realize it until this moment, but he's been more- how do you say it? More attractive lately. He pulled back after a while, and I could still see his red face even though he was trying to hide it. I grabbed his face and pulled him towards me. I didn't realize how much I needed him until now. I then pulled back because I remembered something.
"We have homework to do!"
"That can wait until later."
"Oh, okay. Sorry, Tsuki."

They both turned in blank pieces of paper and got F's for the day.

Ahhh!!! I'm so sorry that was bad! I had 5 minutes to complete the ending of the story. Anyways, thank you for reading!!!

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