IwaOi - Not Homophobic?

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Lol, the title sounds so weird but this was inspired by @DarthLiz 's Haikyuu Trash headcanon(?) book. Part 182, to be exact. Well, enjoy!

Iwaizumi was looking for a roommate. He was fresh out of college and needed someone to split the rent with. He put up signs around the neighborhood and posted advertisements online. He finally got a call from one person and was going to interview him this afternoon. Just as he was about to make himself some lunch, his doorbell rang. He quickly opened it, knowing who it was.

"Excuse me? Are you Iwaizumi Hajime?" The slim boy asked.

"Yes, are you here for the interview?" he asked. The other just nodded.

"Okay, you can come in," Iwaizumi said before opening the door a little wider. The other just walked in slowly, taking a good look at the place. He sat down on the couch in the middle of the living room. Iwaizumi shut the door and sat next to him.

He spoke first, surprising both of them. "It's okay if you don't want me as your roommate! I can be really annoying and you might not except me-"

Iwaizumi interrupted him quickly. "Slow down, that's why I asked for an interview. Your name's Oikawa Tooru, right?" Oikawa nodded slowly.

"Okay, that's a good start. On a scale of 1-10, how responsible do you think you are?"

"Obviously a 10," he said confidently. He started to straighten his posture.

"What are your cleaning habits?" He started to take mental notes.

"Um... I clean only my mess. I don't usually clean other's messes unless it directly affects me." That should be good enough, I could clean my own messes too.

"Will I be expecting any visitors from you? If so, how often?" Oikawa glanced down, seemingly getting even more nervous.

"Um... I don't really have a supportive family, so they won't be visiting much or at all. I do have a boyfriend, though and he might visit once in a while... If you don't approve of that and want me living here that's fine, though! I could always find somewhere else to-" He was interrupted once again.

"Calm down, it's fine. As long as he doesn't destroy the place, I'm fine with it." They both stared at each other awkwardly. Oikawa broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Is that all?" He asked, standing up.

"Yes, that would be all. When's a good time for you to move in?" Oikawa was startled by the sudden information. 

"Really? Are you sure?" Iwaizumi nodded. "Oh, then two weeks should be fine."

"I'll see you then."


Oikawa had been living with Iwaizumi for a little less than a week and have had a lot of time to talk to each other since they had similar work schedules.

"What did you say you worked as?"

"I'm on Japan's national volleyball team. Men's, of course." Oikawa said proudly.

"Setter, probably." Iwaizumi guessed.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I don't know, you just sorta look like one. You know, mega nerdy and analytical." That earned him a weak punch to the arm. Oikawa was wearing his glasses since he was at home and didn't want to put on his contacts.

"Well, what do you work as???" Oikawa asked curiously.

"I'm a volleyball coach at the high school I graduated from. My team actually has a good chance of making it to national's again." Now it was Iwaizumi's turn to brag.

"Psh, show off," Oikawa mocked. Iwaizumi pushed him lightly and the other dramatically fell over onto the couch and made some basic dying noises. They both started to laugh. Then the doorbell rang.

"Were you expecting anyone?" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa nodded.

"I'll get it." He walked over to the door. He then gasped. "Daito? What are you doing here?" Iwaizumi walked over to them, curious.

"Am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend?" They then hugged. 

"Is this your new roommate?" He asked, staring at Iwaizumi.

"Oh! This is Iwaizumi Hajime! Iwaizumi, this is Saito Daito, my boyfriend!" They both shook hands. Saito Daito, what a stupid name.

"Hi! We'll be seeing each other a lot, but we'll try our best not to disturb you!"

"Oh, it's fine." For some reason. Iwaizumi felt a little angry at Saito. He began to head back to the couch before turning around and seeing the other two making out at the entranceway.


The more Saito came over, the more uncomfortable Iwaizumi felt. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this way?

It wasn't until 2 months later when Oikawa came home crying that he started to sympathize with Oikawa again.

"What happened?" Iwaizumi asked, trying to comfort the other.

"D- Daito broke *hic* up with me," Oikawa said in between sobs. He clutched onto Iwaizumi tighter.

"It's okay, I'm here."


2 weeks later. Oikawa came home with another guy. Iwaizumi didn't even realize that the other was dating again until he saw him kissing a guy in the middle of the living room. I'm getting that feeling again... No... It can't be.

After the guy left, he called Oikawa to the couch.

"Hey, are you okay? What did you want to talk to me about?" Iwaizumi took a deep breath in.

"You can't live here anymore." 

"Wha- what?" Oikawa was shocked.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm homophobic. I just don't want to hate you, so it's better for both of us if you find another place to live."

"What makes you think you're homophobic?"

"Well, I get this weird feeling- anger almost, but not quite. It happens every time I see you with a guy, I just can't take it anymore!" He looked down, almost ashamed at himself. He never thought that he would be like this.

"Iwa-chan, you're not homophobic." Oikawa finally said.

"What? Not homophobic?" Oikawa giggled at first, then started laughing.

"No, of course not! Why would you think that?"


"It's my turn to interrupt you. Do you want your answer? To know what these feelings are?" Iwaizumi nodded slowly.

"You're jealous. I think you like me." Iwaizumi's eyes widened.

"But I don't even like guys, how could I like you-" He stopped once Oikawa kissed him on the lips. It was only for a second, but he wanted more.

"How did that feel?" Oikawa asked. Iwaizumi just sat there in silence. Oikawa was about to get up, but the other pulled him towards himself and connected their lips together again. This one lasted longer, with more feeling and emotion put into it from both parties.

"Oh my god, I feel so stupid." They both then started to chuckle.

Published: November 24th, 2019

1055 words (About) 

Oh my god, I wrote this in an hour. I'm not even gonna proof-read it, I'm too lazy to do that rn.

Well, don't forget to vote if you liked it!

I also advise you guys to read my new KiriBaku story! Only if you want to, of course.

Have a good night/day!

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