UkaTake - Business Partners

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I sorta got this idea from my friend ellathebug , so thank you! I just want to mention that I have placed myself in the story as Takeda's mother. The dad is NOT someone irl. It is a completely made up character. My character acts very similarly to me.

NOTE: It may get a little confusing since I did this in a span of about 2 weeks and on some days I just forgot the format or ideas I used for this story a couple of days before. I will fix it soon, but I'm just too lazy to do it now.

Anyways, onto the story!

So, Ittetsu's family owns a sports business. Something like Mikasa or Spalding. Well, a sports ball company. It's called Takeda's since it's the family business. They've always competed with Ukai's, another sports ball business that has run through their family.

It was the year 1989, and little Ittetsu was just 8 years old. His grandfather was talking to him about playing some sports.

"Ittetsu, you have to play a sport if you want to run the family business instead of watching television all day!" Grandpa Takeda said to the younger one.

"Okay... what about volleyball!" That was what he always watched with his mom. He loved it. Little did he know that his mom only watched it for the gayness of the teammates.

"No, that's gay. Choose something else."

"Um... basketball?"

"That's also gay."

"Uh... swimming!" This time the grandfather facepalmed himself.

"No, that's super gay."

"Then ice skating!"

"NO! That is the gayest sport of all time! Have you ever watched Yuri On Ice?!?!"

"Eh?" Ittetsu was confused. He had never heard of the show.

"Oh... um... I guess it comes out in 2016..." Both of them just stayed silent.

"Can I just watch tv?"

"Yeah, sure..." He had just given up.


It was 2019 and Ittetsu was in his office taking some phone calls. He then got a very important phone call.


"Hi~!!!" He recognized the voice.

"Oh, hi Mom!!!"

"How's work? Is it stressful?"

"No, and you call every day! I'm telling you, I'm fine! Just continue reading your BL doujinshis and let me work."

"Okay, honey! Bye!"

"Bye!" His mom is always calling in to check up on him since she works at home and is bored. She didn't have a need to work since they were already really well-off.

Takeda had another important call, and this time it was really important.

"Hello, this is Ittetsu Takeda speaking."

"Oh, hello. I'm Tobio Kageyama, Keishin Ukai's manager. He would like to schedule a meeting with you tomorrow at five tomorrow. I know that it's sudden, but is that alright with you?"

"Of course, let me check with my manager." Ittetsu took the phone out of his ear and called for his manager.

"Shoyou! Am I free tomorrow at five?" After a few seconds, he responded from across the office.

"Yeah, you're free!"

He put the phone back to his ear.

"Yeah, I'm free," he responded to Tobio.

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