AsaNoya - Quick Kiss

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It was Asahi's birthday.

"Happy birthday!" The whole team said in the gym before practice.

"Th- thank you!" Asahi responded. He looked down. It was kind of embarrassing.

"We all have gifts for you!" Daichi said.

They were all basic knick-knacks since no one knew what he liked besides volleyball. Nishinoya was the last person to give him a gift. He was carrying nothing, though.

"Did you forget my birthday?" Asahi asked.

"Of course not!" Nishinoya responded. He then jumped up as high as he could and kissed Asahi on the lips. Everyone was shocked and gasped with Hinata and Kageyama falling backwards as stiff as boards.

"Heh!" Nishinoya said before running off to get the volleyballs from the storage room.

"Nice receive!" Suga mouthed to Asahi. The poor birthday boy then fainted.

Sorry for the short update! I forgot all about Asahi's birthday until 5 minutes before my bedtime. I'm really irresponsible...

The next chapters will be longer!!! I promise!!!

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