DaiSuga - Mom & Dad

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My other story wasn't that good. Let's try to make this one better! I actually have no ideas before writing this... I'll just wing it!

Daichi's POV
"Okay! Let's wrap up practice!" I said to the group.
"Don't forget to eat dinner when you get home!" Suga screamed to everyone.
"Geez, don't be like that, Mom." Tsukishima had replied to Suga. I got a little angered.
"What did you just call your mo-I mean, Suga?" Shoot. I earned a kick from the mom of the group.
"You guys are the worst. On second thought, I hope you all starve." I guess we all deserved that.
"Dad!!! Do something!!!" Hinata had screamed the last word because Kageyama had punched him.
"You're so mean, Poopy-yama-kun."
"Boke!" They then proceeded to chase each other around the gym. Suga and I both blushed when we realized that we were both called the mom and dad of the group. Ennoshita tapped us on our shoulders and apologized for the whole group. Everyone left except us three. We had to clean the floor again after everyone was running around. It was only 5 minutes after everyone had left when Ennoshita had to leave.
"So, dad" Suga said jokingly.
"Don't you ever mention that name ever again."
"How about daddy" I turned around after he said that. He started laughing.
"Geez, can't you ever take a joke?" He was still laughing.
"J-Just get back to cleaning!" I said sternly.
"Okay! Okay!" Suga said while still laughing. It was cute. We cleaned for a bit before walking out.
"Daichi, can I stay at your place?" Suga asked.
"Sure, hon." I said in response.
"Do you think they caught on to us? Is that why they called us mom and dad?" He asked. I just shrugged.
"I'm not so sure."
"Actually, nah. They got the order wrong. We both know that you're bottom and can't be the dad." He said with a straight face.
"Wh-what? No I'm not!"
"You were last week. And the week before that. And the month before that."
"Shut up!"

Little did they know that Hinata and Kageyama were listening to them ever since they walked out of the gym. Don't ask me what they were doing outside the gym together...

Lol, that was short. I was out of ideas! Please don't hate me for it!!!

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