KuroKen - Communication 102

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Here we go, the second part of the series! Little more backstory here for Kenma, Suga, and Akaashi's friendship.

I don't even know if communication class is even a thing and/or what you do in that class... Oh well, I'll just make stuff up as I go.

Started: June 22nd, 2020

HUjifafjfaskfhajkfje I guess I literally went MIA for half a year, sorry

Kenma was in his third year of high school, haven already chosen which college he's going to. His parents knew that he was gifted as a kid, more advanced than the rest of his classmates, so they enrolled him into a fancy high school and an even fancier college with advanced courses. They were traditional, so they wanted their son to become a doctor even if there were better-paying jobs nowadays with less amount of work.

He didn't mind, he just wanted to make his parents live a happy and care-free life. All he cared about was his games and shows, the only thing that gave him enjoyment in life. Romance? Friends? Who needs that when you have 707?

He went to orientation and accidentally bumped into someone. It was his fault, he was walking while playing on his 3DS. He dropped it and bent down to pick it up, but the person he bumped into had already grabbed it for him.

"I'm sorry, I should've looked at where I was going!" Kenma looked up and saw a silver-haired man was speaking to him.

"Here, you dropped this," the man handed him his 3DS and Kenma just accepted it while doing a small bow in appreciation.

"Thank you..." Kenma half-whispered.

"Oh yeah! Do you know where the auditorium is? I'm trying to find it for orientation and I'm having trouble." The shorter just nodded. He started walking towards it while continuing his game.

"What game are you playing?" the other asked when he noticed this, walking alongside him.

"Pokemon X and Y."

"Cool!" They continued to walk in silence, the silver-haired man obviously uncomfortable about this. He tried to start some small talk.

"My name's Sugawara Koushi, what's yours?"

"Kozume Kenma."

"I like your blond hair." Kenma had dyed it not long ago, someone telling him that his natural hair color made him stand out.

"Well, I would love to have blond hair but my boyfriend wouldn't let me dye mine, he says that it's stupid and not good for me even though he dyes his. He also said that I need to lose some weight, cause I have been gaining a few pounds ever since the new restaurant next to my school opened up, and I'm rambling again, aren't I?" He chuckled before becoming silent again.

"Oh, we're here! Thanks for showing me the way!" He started to walk in before he heard a voice.

"You look fine, you don't need to lose weight if you don't want to." Suga turned around to look at Kenma, who was still looking down and playing his game. This is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship, Suga thought.

They exchanged numbers (due to Suga's persistence) and started to hang out more and more. Suga later introduced Kenma to his other friend, Akaashi Keiji.

But that's enough of that, right? You're here for the KuroKen, not for some sappy Kenma and Suga friendship, so I'll give you the KuroKen.

The start of college wasn't too bad, Suga, Akaashi, and Kenma were all prepared for college, taking prep classes and stuff like that. They all double-majored in pre-med and another science major of their choosing. Again, smart.

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