EnnoTana - Not Good Enough

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This was inspired by what @mooncolouredroses guessed in the first guessing game! Thank you for your guess, now it's time to actually use that in a one-shot...

Started: June 8th, 2020

Always being benched was Ennoshita's role in the team. He was essentially the bench-warmer. Do you know what it feels like to not feel wanted or useful? It hurts, and it especially hurt for Ennoshita who was already feeling useless.

He wasn't too proud of what he did in his first year, skipping out on practice. He guessed that he still wasn't forgiven, and could you blame him?

They wouldn't let him play, usually making him the scorekeeper or the ball boy. 

"Hey, coach?"

"Yeah?" Ukai responded.

"Could I, um, play in the next practice game with Nekoma? Even if it's just as a pinch server..." He was nervous, never asking about this before.

"Huh? Uh... We really need Yamaguchi to practice his serves in a game. You can play next time though, okay?"

"Oh... okay then." He quietly walked away with a fake smile. Just smile, it's okay. You'll get through this.

It wasn't until Tanaka tapped his shoulder to tell him that practice was over did he realize that he blanked out. They started to walk home together after he got changed.

"Hey! Bro, did you know that I did amazing today??? Suga decided to toss to me today and I hit the perfect line shots! When I say perfect, I mean perfect. It went bwam and all that stuff Hinata would say! I see why he uses those sound words-"


"Yeah! There's no other way to describe it! It was so cool, bro!!!"

"That sounds nice," Ennoshita told his boyfriend. 

"So how was your practice? I saw you talk to Ukai and you looked a little sad. What did he say? Did he hurt you? iS THAT WHY YOU LOOKED SAD? I'll beat him up for you if you want-"

"It's fine, he didn't say anything. And I'm not sad, I was just very focused..."

"No, your focusing face looks different from your sad first. Why are you lying to me? dID HE ACTUALLY HURT YOU? If he did he better be ready to catch these fists-"

"RYUU! It's okay, you don't need to burden yourself with my problems. It's nothing." Chikara snapped, and he didn't even realize until Tanaka stopped walking with him.

"Ryuu? Let's go, why are you just standing there?"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong!" So that's how he wants to play...

"Ryuu, I already told you that nothing's wrong. Come on, it's cold out. You're not gonna just stand there all night, are you?" Chikara already knew how his Tanaka Ryuunosuke worked; he was going to stand there all night (in the middle of winter) if it made Chikara confess what's wrong.

He sighed as he walked back to grab Tanaka's hand.

"I'll tell you as we walk, I'm starting to get cold here." Right when he said that, he felt a scarf being placed around his neck. He looked and saw that Tanaka had given him his scarf.

"Geez, you always get cold! It's not even that bad..." Ennoshita blinked twice. He always forgot that Tanaka could be calm and caring and not loud and energetic.

"So, what happened?" They started to walk.

"Well, you know what happened last year in the club, right?" A nod. "Yeah, so I realized that ever since I came back, I haven't really played. I haven't been in any game, let alone practice games. I don't even play in the 3v3! I'm just the score keeper, ball boy, benchwarmer. It sucks, and I feel as if I should just quit the team, it's not like they need me anyways-"

"No!" Tanaka grabbed both of his shoulders and turned him so that they were both facing each other.

"You're important, we need you! You're the calm person on the team that holds us together! You somehow find a way to calm down the first years and me! And even if you're a scorekeeper, we need you! It's an important job! Who else would keep the score? We'd need to use our brains! It wouldn't be a problem with me, but Hinata and Kageyama would just continue until their arms fall off because they don't know when a game ends!"

"Just a ball boy? I see you observing us when we play! By the time Ukai let's you play a game, which he will, you'll probably be on the same level as us- if not better- since you know what to do and all of the tricks in playing! You'll go bam and bwonk in no time!"

"So don't leave, because I need you there! Practice and playing is so much more fun when the person I love is there watching!" Ennoshita flinched. He didn't know that Tanaka noticed and cared for him that much.

"Oops, I let out the L word again, didn't I?"

"Shut up, I love you too..." Chikara whispered.

"What did you say?"

"Uh... Let's go home already! My mom's probably worried right now... Yours too!"


The next day, Tanaka begged and begged Ukai to let Ennoshita play in the practice match.

Completed: June 8th, 2020

Just wanted to write a little ficlet. This is my first time writing a EnnoTana fic, so I hope that it's not too OOC!

Constructive criticism is welcomed!

Also, I was thinking of having a few ficlets inbetween larger one-shots. Does that sound okay? I really like the teasers so I think I'll post the teasers for those larger one-shots?

Thoughts? Ideas? Make sure to tell me!

Well, I guess that's all I gotta say for now... Next update? Idk...

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