BokuAka - Parenting 101

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By the time I wrote this, this story had almost 200 views! I'm so happy that people are actually reading what I'm writing!!! To those who do read my work, thank you!

Started Writing: February 11th, 2019

This was Akaashi's first year in college. He had already gone through the pain of the first semester and wasn't ready for the second one. He only had two friends that weren't that different than him. Kenma was less social like him and just went to his dorms after class to play some video games. Suga was a little more social than Akaashi, but he was level-headed and didn't have his head in the clouds.

They were all aiming to become doctors and were the top of their classes. How they met is a whole other story, so I won't explain it yet. They had to pick an 'extra' class to help them with life skills in the second semester. Suga chose home ec in room 103, Kenma ended up with communication 102, and Akaashi got parenting 101. He didn't want it, but he didn't submit his choice early enough. The same thing happened to Kenma. (Autocorrected to Kenman XD)

It was the first day of the second semester. Akaashi said bye to Kenma who was conveniently his flatmate. He walked to the cafeteria to get breakfast when he bumped into Suga.

"Hey, Akaashi!" Suga greeted. Akaashi just waved back.

"So, do ya think you're gonna start dating anytime soon?" Akaashi almost dropped his food. He turned his head sharply towards his friend.

"What? You know that I won't date until I get my Ph.D.!"

"I know, I know! Don't you think it would be cool to actually fall in love with someone? You've been single your whole life! I mean, come on! I'm perfectly happy with my boyfriend!" Akaashi scoffed.

"Terushima? He is the worst! Are you sure that you guys are even in love? There's a better guy for you who totally likes you!"


"The guy sitting behind us." They both turned around. Suga was the one who scoffed.

"Daichi? Seriously? He's one of my best friends! You idiot!" He 'playfully' hit his friend and Akaashi winced in pain.

"Anyways, I'm not even gay. I might have a different relationship experience than you." Suga just got up and walked away.

"Oh well, we better get to class! Class is gonna start soon." Akaashi looked at the time and realized that class would start in 5 minutes.

"Oh shit," he muttered under his breath. He quickly looked at his schedule and saw that he had Parenting first. Oh great, starting off with a class I don't want to be in. He got up and headed to room 101. He made it to class just on time. When he entered, he saw a man with glasses.

"Oh, hello sir! Please sit down anywhere." The teacher sounded sweet. Akaashi bowed and looked up at the seats. There were only two seats left which were both next to each other. Each table only sat two people next to each other so he was very happy that he could sit alone.

"I'm going to take attendance really quickl-"

"GOMEN-NASAI!" A guy quickly said out in the hallways before running into class. he looked out of breath.

"GOMEN, GOMEN! I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE THE CLASSROOM WAS! IT'S MY FIRST DAY AT THIS SCHOOL!" He was bowing nonstop. The teach scratched the back of his head.

"It's okay! Just sit down next to the young boy in the back." Why me!?!?! Akaashi thought to himself. As the guy sat down, he started talking to Akaashi. He had black and white hair that was spikey.

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