UkaTake - Business Partners II (Real Ending)

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Lol, you thought. I'm not that mean. Here's what really happened:

"Let go," Ittetsu said in a stern voice. Keishin did as he was told. This was the end, at least that's what Keishin told himself. He messed up, he knows he did. It wasn't until he felt warm lips on his did he think otherwise.

It was soft and sweet, but so full of heavy emotions. A love that waited years to finally be freed was all released in that single kiss. It wasn't very long, but it felt like an eternity for both of them.

Ittetsu shrunk broke it off first, lowering himself since he was on his tip-toes. He was so embarrassed that he buried his head in Keishin's shirt.

"I love you, too..."

***A happy time skip this time***

They were both sitting on their couch in their home. The Kageyama's were there with Itsuki running around like he usually does. It has been a month and everyone was really happy, especially Ittetsu and Keishin. Anyone within a mile radius of them could tell that they were both madly in love with each other.

"Wait, how did you know that I was at the train station?" Ittetsu asked, just realizing this now.

Keishin chuckled a little. "Well, Shoyou used the background noise in the call and then searched up the number that had called him to figure out where you were. He can be smart at times where it's needed."

"What? Then why is he so dumb at work?" Tobio replied.

"Oi, shut up! You're the dumb one!" Shoyou said in response to that insult.

Haha, I apologize for breaking your hearts when I gave that fake ending. I wrote this directly after writing the false ending.

So why would I post a fake ending?

1. Because I wanted to see how people reacted.

2. Because writing really angsty endings give me pain and I might be a masochist.

The author's note I stated in the last chapter was real, though, so I thank you for being patient with me!

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