Chapter 29

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October 29th 2:53 AM
       I wake up suddenly. Strangely enough, I had no dream. Why was I so scared then? I look around my room and see nothing out of place. I relax and reach for the phone I had placed at my bedside. "Huh?" I say out loud as I realize my phone isn't there. I look over the edge of my bed and find it on the floor. It must've fell.
I slowly rub my eyes and prepare to lean over the edge of my bed to grab the phone. I reach down and feel my way around. As I grip what feels like my phone, I slowly bring my hand up. Just as I begin to see my hand a black figure grasps my wrist and I scream. Dropping my phone, I hold my wrist close to my chest. "What the hell?" I look at my wrist and see burns where the figure grabbed me.
I reach for the lamp at my bedside and turn it on. The burns quickly fade and leave no indication that they were even there. Clutching my wrist, I see my phone on the ground.
"Not today Lucifer. I can resist my phone."
Just then I get a notification.
"Oh my god Holland posted!"
I hesitantly reach for my phone and snatch it off the floor. "I win this round."

12:10 PM
School is boring, as always. It's always around this time that me feet begin to ache from the heels. "Do you guys want to go shopping this weekend? My mom just payed me." my friend, Gracie, says.
"I just went shopping. You can go with someone else." I say blankly. Gracie looks down at her hands and remains quiet. I haven't talked much in the last few days. I still try to keep my position in this hell hole but Alan being gone sucks.
We were best friends since diapers. His parents and mine were really close. We would always hang out and when I had to start school, he would wait for me outside my front door. His parents weren't a big fan of public schools so they turned to homeschooling. I remember how he would always ask me what school was like and what kind of people I hung out with. Then (Y/n) came along during fifth grade. I didn't speak to her. Hell, I had no need to. But I tolerated her existence.
It was that summer when Alan came over to my house. "Hannah!" he said, "Guess what!"
"My mom said I could go to school! A real one!"
"Really?" I said in shock.
"Yea! I'm starting this year in sixth grade."
"Now we can hang out all the time!" I remember feeling ecstatic at the thought that me and my best friend would always be by each other. I guess that was the last time I really felt happy.
He got bullied the first few days and I wanted to tell him that it was normal for new kids and no one would warm up to him right away. Then there was (Y/n). She obviously did. Once they started hanging out, he left me. Stopped coming over, started going to do more and more things with (Y/n). Eventually he came to hate me.
"Are you okay?" Gracie asks.
"Of course I am." I retort.
"Sorry, you've just been frowning for a bit and I thought-"
"-Exactly! You thought! Don't fucking assume what I'm feeling. I'll drop you faster than a bullet shell." I interrupt her. Once again, she looks down shamefully. The bell rings and I grab my bag. I walk to class with my chin up. I look around, hoping I'll see Alan. In the process, I bump into someone.
   "Watch it. Do you know who I am?"
    I look up and it's someone I've never seen before. He looks too old to be a student. He also wears a sharp suit and red tie.
    "I do," he says, "and soon you'll know who I am." He walks away as he finishes his sentence.
Alright weirdo. Not going to happen. Class begins and think about everything I had before and one more thing. Who was that guy?

3:30 PM
The end of school rolls around and I walk with a few people to a nearby McDonald's. We sit there for about an hour just talking to each other. Most of them cuddle up with each other as I remain by myself in a corner. Usually I engage in chitchat but I don't really feel like it anymore. Without saying a word, I get up with my things and leave the table.
    "Are you okay Hannah?" someone says.
    "I'm fine. I just want to go home."
    "Alright. Bye." They all say goodbye and I continue to walk out. I didn't bring my car so I had to walk home. On the bright side, it gave me more time to think.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell as I close the door. I get no response. "Mom?" I yell again.
"I'm sorry sweetie your mom had to go to Paris for the new collection." my dad says as he walks down the stairs. On the way down, he buttons the cuff of his sleeve. "Also," he continues, "and I'm sorry to say, but I have to go out. It should be no more than a few hours. Just an emergency meeting."
I sigh. He pets my head and kisses my forehead. "I'll pick something up for you on the way back."
"Okay." I reply, suppressing the sad tone in my voice. I walk up the stairs and head into my room. My mother always left without saying a word so it shouldn't be a surprise to me at this point.

8:30 PM
I get ready to jump in the shower. The water is finally getting warm and I hop in. I just stand there for a minute, not really doing anything. I then decide to sit down on the floor. Why did everything that happened have to happen? I close my eyes. After a moment I feel the water temperature slightly fall. I open my eyes and scream. The water has turned into blood and covers my entire body. The tub around me is painted red and so are the walls. The glass is completely tinted as if were installed that way. I crawl to shut off the shower. I can feel myself begin to hyperventilate as I reach for the towel outside of my shower. It's not until I step out that I realize that everything it the room is red except for the mirror. The light is painted with the red substance that still coated me. I turn on the faucet only to have the same liquid come through. I make my way to my room and find water bottles that I keep in my closet.
After what seemed like forever, I got all the blood off me. Still shaken, I walk to my back to my room. I try to pretend that nothing happened and I lied down. My lights were still on, as I was afraid to be in the dark. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a movement in the vanity mirror to the right of me. I sit up to try and get a better view. I get up to look in the mirror. I peer at myself closely and I see a figure in the mirror behind me. What the-.
     The figure behind me was the same man I had seen earlier at school. "Hello child." he says. I gasp as I turn around. He looks taller than he had before.
"Who are you?" I demand.
"As of right now, that is of no importance to you, girl." he condescends.
"Why are you here?"
"Ah," he says. "now that's a good question." I stare back at him, trying to show as little fear as I possibly can. He walks around the room and I try to make myself seem even slightly bigger. As he stops, he seems to think.
"Well, maybe I should introduce myself." At this moment, he mumbles something that is inaudible to me. "My name is Zalgo. If you wish, you may think of me as the devil himself." At this moment, he changes. His body is now covered in mouths and four horns sprout at the top of his head.
"What do you want with me?" I say, praying my voice doesn't shake.
"We have something in common you see. You'll just need to trust me and take my hand if you want to find out what."
"What exactly do we have in common?"
"It's about (Y/n)." At this, he offers his hand. I stare and my eyes shift between his face and his hand.
    "I'm willing to offer you great power for this. Just take my hand." he says. (Y/n) ruined my life. If she's out there, I won't pass up the only chance I'll have to ruin her life. In that moment, I let rage control my actions. I took the devil's hand.

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