Chapter 1:suburban biters

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Two Days Before The Apocalypse:

"Kennedy I don't like Jack,he's sweet but when he's around friends he is the biggest asshole on the planet" I say as i look away to see the twins playing on the parks metal slide. Idk how those kids are sliding down that cold metal slide. Its middle fall in salem and its cold.

"Yeah, sure you don't. You freeze around people you apparently don't like?" kenny says with a sarcastic ass face.

'Because i'm just simply admiring the spinach in his teeth" I said as I turned away from Ken to watch my siblings

"Yeah sure like I totally believe that." she said rolling her eyes

"I don't care what you think, It only matters what Moi thinks." i says pointing to myself happy about that comeback.

"yeah sure and what does "moi" think about it" she says with her hands doing air quotes.

"I think i don't like him." I say as i yell to Holly and Jessie.

"Come on guys, we gotta get home for dinner or mom would be mad."

Hol/ jess- Ok!!!

"see you later Ken." I said as me and the kids walk to my jeep.

"see ya!!" she says as she walks to her mercedes.

As the girls left to their cars.A young looking man with brown hair collapsed, a couple went to check on him and noticed he had a big bump with gushy green stuff sticking out of this on his neck.suddenly the man sat up.

Man- hey are you alright? Do you need medical attention?

The man said nothing...

Woman- Why isn't he talking back? Are you ok? Can you hear me?

Still no response.

Man-Let me check him. He says as he moves closer.

Man- he has a pulse maybe he's deaf.

Suddenly the man growled and bit the man in the ear


Man-oh my god! This hurts like a bitch!

A crowd started to form around the couple and the man. The man started to growl and ran to the woman and bit her on the shoulder. Suddenly a police officer shot the man in the head.

Officer-Hey are you guys ok?

Woman- We need to go to the hospital

Officer- Well let me take you

Man-Thank you so very much.

Officer- It's no big deal. It's part of my job.

The officer, woman and the man went to the coppers car and drove to the hospital,bringing unknown danger to a place of innocent people.

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