Chapter 18:How are we gonna out of here?

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The next morning we all wake up safe and least that's what we thought.

"Um might want to look outside."kennedy says as she looks outside the window.

We all run to a nearby window to see a gigantic horde of pombies walking past the house.

"Ok everyone be quiet and don't say anything.let's let them pass."I say

We all go down stairs to get some breakfast. "We can take all of these supplies with us when we leave."candace says as she chews on a granola bar.

"yeah that's a good idea so it doesn't go to waste." I say as I take a bite out of the granola.

"Hey can someone check if the horde has passed yet." Kennedy asked from across the room.

"Sure." I say as I go towards the window to look out of it.

"It looks clear guys so we can go." I say as I walk to pack up stuff for us to take.

Minutes later were done packing things up and we start to make trips. Were almost done and some of us are in the car when a group of pombies start heading towards us.

"Hey guys we've got company." Candace says as she runs and chops one of their heads off and starts heading towards another.After hearing that we started chopping down the pombies left and right until they were all taken care of.

"Let's go guys before more come." Axel says as he rushes to the passenger side.We all follow after him and we leave and drive off.

"So now that we are safe,are we gonna talk about what happened last night and the fact that we killed people..people not pombies?" kennedy asks.

"No because it was a life or death situation,those people didn't want to show us compassion and would send us our to those things."candace says

"I see your point candace and I see your point kennedy. they were people and I wish that it didn't have to come to that and that they could still be alive.but it just want was us or them.again sorry about your mom hannah."I said as I looked at her through the rearview mirror to see her looking back at me with sadness and confirmation.

"Ok guys let's go get these keys and get to that cabin house." I say as I enter the freeway,heading to everyone's last bit of hope...

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