Chapter 16:Houston we have a problem

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Next morning:

"Ok guys we have to go to go get the keys for the boat and the cabin let's go and we can hopefully get to the town by tomorrow."I say as I get up and wake the girls up.

"But before we leave we should freshen up a bit and get some food into us."Axel says as he hands everyone a bottle of water and a granola bar.

"Hey guys this shower works still,but I don't know for how long."kennedy says

"Ok then everyone has to buddy up so that we all get a chance."i say

"Ok lilith and astrid cna go first."candance says as she stretches from just waking up.

I find the girls some new clothes and I push them into the bathroom and I make them a bath.

"Ok guys wash up and I will get you guys in a couple minutes."i say as I close the door and I walk towards the bag of clothes.I pass out a pair of clothes to everyone.

"Ok so that leaves the four of us,so who goes with who?" kenedy says as she looks at all of us.

"Well me and you should share a bath while the two lovebirds share one."candance says as she looks back and forth between me and axel.

"I.guess that would be ok.."I say as I look down and blush.

Minutes later...

Kenedy and candace get finished with their shower and it's me and axel's turn.

"Ok i will go in first and don't look."I say.I start to take off my clothes when I see him turn around.I get into the shower and seconds later axel joins me.

"Can you pass me the soap?"he asked from behind me.I handed him the soap and I finished ran my body under the water.It felt so weird to be in a shower with someone of the opposite sex.when it got to be too much I started to get out and said "well i'm done so I'll just leave."I gotta leave but axel grabs me and spends me around to look at him.

"This doesn't have to be awkward and we don't have to do this world we have to do what we have to do."he says as he slowly leans in and kisses me passionately and deeply.when the kiss ends we look into each other's eyes for a while before i looked away and I exited the tub.I put on my clothes and I exit the bathroom,feeling less nervous about sharing a shower with my boyfriend.After everyone finished getting ready we started heading outside towards the car.

"Um guys we have a problem,there's a couple pombies outside."candace says as she looks through the blinds.

"How many of them?"kennedy ask as she pulls out her machete.

"About seven."she says

'Ok me and axel and candance will go handle them,while hunter you stay here with the girls."kennedy says.They run out to the parking lot.They come back minutes later and tell us the coast is clear.We made our way to the car and drove away.

"Hey guys were a town away but it's getting late so we should rest."candace says as she looks up from the steering wheel.

"Ok then turn onto this road."kennedy says.

She points to a residential site towards the right of the street.

We turn to the street and park into a driveway of a house.We head towards the garage door and once we get inside we head into the house just to hear a gunshot.

"Who are you people and what are you doing in our territory?"asked a voice from the shadows

"We just want somewhere to sleep for tonight."i say as we all raise out hand above our heads.

"Well this town is off limits and i suggest you leave before I change my mind on letting you go."the voice says.The person that the voice belongs to walks from the shadows along with a group of others.the leader looked to be female with red hair and a scar on her face and she was surrounded by other females.

"Please just let us stay for the night and we will be out of your hair in the morning,I promise."candace says

"Sorry no can do chicky,now why don't you heed my warning and skidaddle while you still can."she points a gun to candances head

"Now there's no reason to lead to violence."axel says

"Were done talking,either you're gonna leave or i'll put a bullet between blondies eyes."one of the females said as she took out her gun and pointed it towards candances head.

"Fine if that's the way you want to do this,alright then because either way we are staying here for the night so enough talk."kennedy says as she breaks all hell loose with

God save us from the endTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon