Chapter 12:Things take a turn for the worst..

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"Good morning my beautiful girlfriend"he says as he touches my face

"Hello my handsome boyfriend."i say as i lean in to kiss him.

"Hey were glad that you guys have finally decided to act upon your feelings for each other and that's sweet...but we all share a room now so can you guys slow down on the lovey dovey stuff around us?"candance asks as she looks at me irritated at the look of me and axel together.

"Candace chill out they weren't doing anything wrong.they were just waking up and the only one it's bothering is you."kennedy says looking at candance with a look of irritation.

"Well maybe it bugs me because-"

"Because what?" I ask

"Because-nevermind I gotta go."she says as she runs out of the door.

"Wait candance"i say as I run after her.

"What!what do you want?you have the guy and the friends,you even know how to take care of yourself whereas I have to sit there and watch you and the guy i'm in love with fall deeper in love with each other while theres a chance that I could die at any moment cause I suck at protecting myself!" she screams at me as she slides down the wall.

"What?you're in love with axel?why didn't you say something?"i say as i bend down next to her.

"Because we've been together for seven months and he hasn't looked at me once the way he looks at you so I give up,of course itll hurt for a while but I think you guys were meant to be together."she says looking down at his hands before looking at me.

"But know make a mistake and you lose him,I will not hesitate to take your don't give me the chance to do so."

With tears in my eyes and a choke in my throat I say "thank-you and I promise I will not give you a chance to take him away from me."

After a couple of minutes of crying,we hear screams coming from down the hallway.

"Did you hear that?"I say as I stand up

"Yeah what is it?"she asked looking at me with fear in her eyes

"I don't know but it doesn't sound too good so why don't we head back to the room and get our weapons."

"Good idea."she says as we run back to the room.

"Guys something's happening so we need to pack and leave and one of us needs to be with cadence and astrid at all times but just in case give them something to protect themselves with." I say as I start packing everything in a rush

"But I don't know how to protect myself!"candace says

"Look for a knife you run and stick it into their heads and that will kill them whereas a gun you point to them,breathe and got this if you want to survive then you have to get the courage to fight!"I say as I look her deep into her as to tell her that I meant every word I have said.

"I'll try"she says looking down at the gun in her hand.

"Ok let's go guys and lets try to all make it back to the car safe and sound and no matter what you shoot first,ask questions later."I say as I look at them.

We leave the bedroom and hear screams from every hallway and corner.we turned right and started heading towards the exit.

On our way there we saw a hoard of the undead headed our way so we had to take a detour.

We make our way to one of the testing rooms and hid in there. "Hey guys look at this."kennedy says as she passes me the papers.

"I have no second guesses about where and how this infection started but I have no idea how to cure it.The way of infection is quite simple.All the subliminal messages that the government put in our media fried our brains,allowing a parasite to enter the brain and turn the infected slowly into the undead. The infected will have a fever and shortness of breath and an extremely strong hunger for flesh and blood,It progresses as the infection travels through the body but it will automatically transform the infected into pombies immediately and from that point on there is no saving them." "so that means..."kennedy says as she looks as me. "Yes that means that social media infected us and no one is safe."i say looking down. "Ok so we're all infected and if we eat flesh well turn,but were still here alive and breathing so we have to find a way out of here!"axel said as he loaded up his gun.

"Ok then let's go,on the count of three."i say pulling out my machete.

"Ok 1...2...3" we rush out of the room and we started killing and slashing our way through the hallway towards the door.As we finally make it through the door with a new knowledge and heavy hearts about the world around us...

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