Chapter 2:Help she's eating the nurse

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Woman; oh my god please help us!My husband has been injured.

Nurse:what happened? Jackie go get me a stretcher.Stat!

Jackie:on it boss.jackie comes back with the stretcher and they lay the man down on the bed and start rushing him to surgery.

Nurse:maam what is his name

Woman:henry,henry devonshire

Nurse:ok henry do you know your full name and your date of birth.

Henry:my name is Henry lance birthday is june 18th,1993

The nurse looks up at mrs devonshire to see if those are correct.

Woman: that's correct. The nurse,the man, his wife and nurse jackie make it to two big grey doors with a sign that says surgery above it.

Nurse; ok you have to stay out here while we fix him up.he is going to be fine.well do what we can

Woman: ok thank you so much.please save him.

Everyone except for mrs devonshire go into the two doors.after the doors close with a loud sound,a lady with bloody clothes on walks to the front desk.

Nurse kristy;oh my goodness what happened to you/she asks as she walks from behind the counter next to the woman. Hello are you ok? Can you tell me what happened? Nurse kristy asked.the lady said nothing she just started walking toward the nurse.whats wrong? Can you step're too close.The lady kept walking close and she started growling.All of a sudden, as if in slow motion the lady launched herself onto the nurse and bit a huge chunk out of the nurses neck.


The lady looks up and turns her neck a weird angle and starts to walk towards mrs devonshire.Mrs devonshire; What did you do to that lady, she's not moving.

The lady just growls and walks towards mrs devonshire.Mrs devonshire starts running into the surgery wing Devonshire; SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE! She looks back to see not only the lady but also nurse kirsty behind her,she looks as withdrawn as the other lady was till she sees Mr devonshire the she starts growling and starts to fast walk towards mr devonshire.Mrs devonshire runs into one of the doors,it locked she tries the nex one and got the same result. She runs to the last door down the hall where the door was unlocked.she runs in and locks the door. She turns around and sees blood all over the room. She hears wet sounds of chomping she walks towards the sound slowly.slowly.slowly until she gets to the culprit of the sound and finds her husband and nurse jackie standing over the other nurse and the doctors bodies,eating their flesh.Suddenly she gasps, hearing the sound nurse jackie and henry look up and start to get up, mrs devonshire hides behind a counter as they start to walk towards where she was standing.when she thinks they have left she sneaks out the door to a clear and quiet hallway.she starts walking she turns the corner and she's the lady and nurse kristy,she takes a big gasps and they turn her way she screams and runs the other way into another room where she quickly hides in a closet.nurse jackie and kristy,henry and the lady go into the same room they walk past the closet growling. Seconds later she doesn't hear any noise so she comes out the closet and looks around to see none there.she walks to the door and looks out.suddenly she hears growing behind her.she slowly turns her head and find her husband behind her she runs out the door into the main hall way where there are more people who look withdrawn they look her way and head towards her.she runs into a room and closed the door. She turns her back to the window and starts breathing heavy, suddenly she turns around and comes face to face with her husband who breaks the window and grabs her hair she screams and tries to fight him, the rest of the people come and try to her too while she was fighting her husband they nurse jackie bit her arm. She let go and got away from the door holding her now bleeding arm.they break down the door and come in.mrs devonshire pleads to them to stop nut to no avail her used to be husband,henry gets to her first and rips open her neck.while she was gagging on her blood the pombies ripped her apart and ate her alive.this is the beginning of the end.

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