Chapter 15:What do we do now?

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"We have to go back and save him."axel says as he tries to run back into the supermarket.

"No we have to go before they come for us,he sacrificed himself for us."I say as I drag him to the car.We all get in the car and take time to think about what just happened and tried to let it settle in but it was short lived because the undead started coming out of the market and towards the car.I pulled off and left behind someone we all got close to.

When we get far enough from the market I pull over and ask "ok given the circumstances what are we gonna do?none of us know where the cabin is."

"I know,where it is."kennedy says as she looks up with tear stained eyes.

"He told me when we were in the quarantine zone just in case.Because what he didn't tell us was he had diabetes and he was on his last needle of insulin."she says looking down at her hands

"Why didn't he tell us?"candance asked

"I don't know,he just told me where the boat and the cabin house was so that we could get there and now that we have everything,we need to go to the boat house to get the keys and get on the boat."she said

" she's right,he would want us to continue on and get to that cabin house."i say as I turn back to the steering wheel and I put the car in drive.

"Ok so where is this boathouse?"

"It's in cedars ridge,which is two town from where we are."kennedy says

"Ok well it's getting kinda late so I think we should find someplace to sleep."i say

"There's a hotel up ahead,maybe that's safe enough for us."axel says pointing to the left of him.

I pull into the hotel parking lot and I see at least three pombies on the second floor.

"Ok so how do you want to do this,we could quietly get the keys to the first floor and leave the three pombies alone or we could kill them and be on the second floor?"

"I think that the more ammo we conserve the better so first floor."axel says and everyone nods in agreement.

"Ok axel and I will go get one of the room keys,you guys stay here and protect lilith and astrid."i say

"But mommy I don't want you to go."astrid says as she jumps to hug me.

"mommy's just going to get a key for us to get to a safe place." I say as I hug her and I get out.

"Ok ready to do this." axel asks as he pull out a knife and a flashlight

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say as I start heading to the door ready to kill anything moving in this room.We entered the room to find nothing out of the ordinary.I walk over to the room key holder and picked up one of the keys on the key holder.
"Hey I found the key,lets get out of here before we attract something."i say as I head to the door.

We walk out to the car and we gather everyone.

"Lets go guys ."i say as I grab my backpack and put it over my shoulder and I grab liliths and astrid's hand and lead them to the room.

When everyone's in the room we decided who's gonna keep watch.

"I'll keep watch while you and the kids get some sleep love."axel says as he gives me a kiss on the lips.

"You sure because I have no problem taking first watch?"i ask as i looked at him

"Mommy Come sleep with me."i hear astrid say as she runs up to me.

"I guess you're taking first watch."i says my daughter drags me away towards where lilith is.We all get ready for bed and we lay down and soon were fast asleep.

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