Chapter 5:Mourning

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AUTHORS NOTE:hey guys! sorry I haven't updated its just I have been busy with life,school,and scholarships and stress.....BUT here's a surprise I guess.I have written two WHOLE new chapters for you guys sooo.....ENJOY!!!!!!!

One hour later...

Me ,cadence and axel were in the car on our way away from where we just buried my two sisters and Tommy...I want to cry,i want to scream at the fact that not only am I a orphan...I am also alone. my whole family is gone.Gone forever..

" Are you happy with yourself? You killed my brother and buried him and left him to be food for the maggots." Candace said angrily from the back.

"Candace be quiet. ok he was bitten so he would have turned." Axel said

"I don't care! HE WAS MY BROTHER!"she yelled


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I lost my twin sisters because of you! I lost the only family i had because of you and your selfishness! So how DARE you call me out of my name and still think you deserve to sit in my car,use my weapons and use my supplies... HOW DARE YOU?"I screamed as i stopped the car in an immediate halt.

"As a matter of fact.get out."i say as i looked ahead of the road.

"What?"she asked in disbelief

"Stop this isn't the way."axel says to me as he tries to touch my hand but i snatch it away.

"NO I WANT HER OUT AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT THEN YOU CAN LEAVE TOO!"i yelled as i looked at both of them waiting for her to leave and him to make his decision.

"Lady listen to me,this isn't the way to do it we can-"before he can finish his sentence i pull out my gun and point it towards her as i say "If you don't get out of this car right now, i'll send you with your brother."

"Go ahead you already murdered him"she says as she moves her head towards the head of the gun.

"Still think there's a better way...sir?"I question as I look at him in anger

"Fine let her go.I won't stop her."

"Fine i'm gone."she says as she grabs her things and leaves

"Just one thing before she leaves"axel says as he looks at her then to me.

"What's that?"i said looking out of the front window.

"This" he says as I something hits me and All I see is black....

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