01: welcome home

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One year and four months later

Maia's PoV:

I really can't wait anymore.

It's been four months, since I didn't see Justin. So many things are happening in my life right now and he's not here so I can't let my anger out on him.

My eyes widen extremely the second I see Aaliyah standing up from the couch, "WHAT are you doing?!"

She jumped in her spot at my screaming and sat back down the second I attacked her to push her back in her position. She's ten months pregnant already and my niece is going to be here any second. I can't have her walking around and risk anyone's life.

"Maia, calm down I was about to take a water bottle?" She rolls her eyes and wanted to stand up again but I pushed her slowly back and started smiling like a psychopath.

I feel too much pressured by having a niece soon, plus waiting for my boyfriend who was supposed to be here eleven hours and 7 minutes ago.

"I'll get you one," I tell her and rushed to the kitchen to get her water bottle. We were back in Washington, my mom was staying at their apartment to help Aaliyah throughout her pregnancy. My mother didn't want Aaliyah to stay alone, not even for a second so she moved with them two months ago.

Since the last pregnancy didn't end well..

"Maia, don't forget to pick your brother up," my mom tells me from the bathroom, distracting me from Aaliyah's bottle that I crashed my foot against the table which caused me to let it fall down but luckily Aaliyah caught it before it'd touch the ground.

"I'm so-"

"MAIA!?" My mother screams again for me and I felt my brain melting.

"Oh my god," I yell out and wished to run against the wall since I feel like I'm trying to get off drugs.

I need Justin to be next to me as soon as possible.

Ever since he graduated, he's been travelling around and took me with him whenever there was a chance. Otherwise, he visited me in Washington or we stayed over my parents' house in New York.

Right now, is the longest ever I haven't seen him since.

Almost five months of stalking his Instagram to check what he's doing.

I feel like those girls who spam under his pictures.

It's unfair.

He's working out so much, is becoming prettier and prettier every single day and I'm not with him to see.

"Can you please stop moving like a chicken? Justin will be here soon," Aaliyah smiles at me while covering her eyes so she wouldn't see my reaction.

"What did you just say? I haven't seen my bebé for more than four months. More then four. Over 120 days and almost 3000 hours. He was supposed to be here but his flight apperiantly got cancelled?" I huff in disbelief and shake my head, "Huh- yeah sure. He owns a freaking private jet how-" I freak out and swing my arms around my body to hold my tears back.

I've never missed him like this before. Ever. It feels like a whole lifetime. As if I've never seen him and all has been a dream.

"Can you pick Miguel up from work?" My mom asks me again and got hatred eyes as a respond.

"It's funny how he's working and earning so much money but can't afford a damn Uber ride? Who told him to crash his car against someone else?" My legs start shaking because of how restless I am.

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