Yoongi x Jennie | The waitress

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Yoongi was on his way to his favorite restaurant with some friends. They were celebrating Yoongi getting his new job in the new group BTS.

"A table for three please," Yoongi says looking down at his wallet.

"Sure thing," The waitress replied. Her voice capturing Yoongi's attention as he looks up. "Would you like a table or booth?" She asks. Yoongi stared hard. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Um, sir?" She asks again. "Y-Yes, um table is fine." He mumbles blushing hard at his embarrassing state.

His friends chuckle nudging him in the ribs following the waitress.

Yoongi couldn't help but stare at the fine ass swinging in front of him.

"Close your mouth Yoongi, flies may get in." His friends laugh amused at the sight of their friend's jaw on the floor practically drooling.

"Here is your booth, i'll be right back to order your drinks." She bows excusing herself scurrying off to treat other customers.

"Yoongi," His friend snaps his finger in front of him. Bringing him back to reality.

"Stop it Jin," Yoongi slaps his hand away. "I'm fine." He snaps clearly annoyed.

"Don't be like that Yoongi. We're out here to- WHOA THEY HAVE FRIED CHICKEN!" Hoseok exclaims. Reading the menu at light speed.

Yoongi rolls his eyes at his childish friends. He seemed like the only mature one there.

The waitress comes rushing back with her notepad in hand. "Ok," she says panting, clearly out of breath. "Are you guys ready?" She asks politely.

Yoongi sees the waitress's name tag. The name written across it neatly was "Jennie".

Yoongi leans back against his chair, folding his arms across his chest.

"And you sir?" Jennie asks writing down the his friend's orders.

"I'll have the kimchi tofu soup." Yoongi says narrowing his eyes, as the waitress blushes her hand running through her long brown hair nervously.

"Y-Yes, sir." Jennie quickly scribbles down his order on the piece of paper.

"Cut it out Yoongi," Jin says. "Your practically scaring the waitress away."

Jennie blushes hard at the embarrassing statement. "I-I'm fine, sir." She politely bows. "I'll be right back with your meals." And she scurries off.

"Well you asses, I have to go use the restroom." Yoongi says standing up and walking off.

He walks over to the bathroom sign, but a wave hit him, and he falls down.

Yoongi looks at his plain white shirt, now covered with a big red stain. He looks up to find a round red face staring down at him.

"I'm so sorry, sir!" Jennie exclaims, covering her mouth in shame.

"It's ok," Yoongi says standing up. "It's just a old white shirt, don't worry about it."

"No, sir," Jennie shakes her head. "Let me fix it for you."

She grabs Yoongi's hand and leads him to the restroom. Once she and Yoongi are in the room, she signals for him to take off his shirt.

"W-What?" Yoongi blushes.

"Take it off so I can wash it." Jennie tells him once more.

"O-Ok," Yoongi says, then freezes in his actions. "Turn around." He says blushing again.

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